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UNA-USA Programs
2008 Annual Meeting
Model UN
Business Council for the UN
Young Professionals
Student Alliance
Council of Organizations
UNAFF Film Festival
Global Leadership Awards  
UNA-USA Headlines

UN Urges Investing in Women and Girls, Ending Gender Violence and Genital Mutilation, By Svetla Marinova (3/4/08)

The “Emergencies” That Never End, by Barbara Crossette (3/4/08)

Multidrug-Resistant TB: A Runaway Threat, by Farah Ameen  (3/4/08)

Armed Conflicts, Child Soldiers: Model UN Students Tackle Real-World Problems (3/4/08)

"What They're Saying": A monthly compilation of quotes from US and UN officials highlights what key actors are saying about the important global issues affecting US-UN relations (3/4/08)

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UNA-USA Informs, Educates, & Mobilizes

The United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA) is a not-for-profit, nonpartisan organization that supports the work of the United Nations and encourages active civic participation in the most important social and economic issues facing the world today. As the nation's largest grassroots foreign policy organization and the leading center of policy research on the UN and global issues, UNA-USA offers Americans the opportunity to connect with issues confronted by the UN-from global health and human rights to the spread of democracy, equitable development and international justice. Through its work, UNA-USA educates Americans about the work of the United Nations, and encourages public support for strong US leadership in the United Nations.

About Us
This section of the UNA-USA website is where you can learn about UNA-USA's vision, mission and history, and where you can find annual reports.

Staff & Employment
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See the current members of UNA-USA's Board.


National Council
Find out about this network of leading citizens committed to the principles of the United  Nations Charter.


Learn about UNA-USA's awards and events, including the Global Leadership Award and the Global Young Advocate Award.

UN Photo/Mark Garten


Links and Information Resources
Find links to more information about the United Nations and its agencies, Model UN,  business, non-governmental organizations and UNAs around the world.

Whether you are an individual, student, organization, or business you can become a member of UNA-USA.

United Nations Association of the United States of America | 801 Second Avenue, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10017
tel: 212 907-1300   fax: 212 682-9185   e-mail: unahq@unausa.org
UNA-USA is a part of the World Federation of UNAs (WFUNA).