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 Alternative Student Loans for College Financial Aid


Chase Private Student Loans

CHASE private student loan page

Chase Private Student Loans - Need money for school expenses not covered by federal loans or other aid?  You could get a private student loan from $1000 to $40,000 per academic year for such items as
       • Tuition
       • Room and Board
       • Computer
       • Other Educational expenses

Click here for more information.

As you determine the best way to finance your education, you should consider the full range of student financial aid options available. Private loans, like the Chase Private Student Loan, can be used when federal loans, grants and other forms of financial aid are not sufficient to cover the full cost of education.

Chase Loan Application INFO:

Chase student loans are available directly through Chase by clicking above or calling the toll free phone numbers listed. We do not host the Chase online loan application, we only provide information and access to their private student loan programs.

Copyright March 2008, Alternative student loans for college education. All student loan lenders are approved before rotating their loans in our private loan directory for college students and parents.




If you need assistance in applying for a Chase private student loan, click the chase link on your left, where you will find a toll free number.

If you are a student or parent with a comment, suggestion or question, please Email us on our contact page. We actually read and value your feedback! Student, please be advised that private college loans are not free money for school and MUST be paid back. Not doing so can ruin your credit history. Thank you for visiting our private student loan directory.