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Re: Monomorphism resolved

Date:  4 Jun 91  0:15
From: haskell-request@cs.glasgow.ac.uk
Sender: Joe Fasel <jhf@c3serve.c3.lanl.gov>
To: haskell <haskell%cs.yale.edu@yalevm.ycc.yale.edu>
Subject: Re: Monomorphism resolved

Original-Via: uk.ac.nsf; Mon, 3 Jun 91 23:56:34 BST
Original-Sender: jhf <jhf%gov.lanl.c3.c3serve%edu.yale.ycc.yalevm%edu.yale.cs@yale.edu>

| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| 1. A variable is *restricted* if
|         a) it is bound by a pattern binding, and
|         b) no type signature for it is given
| 2. Restricted variables may not be declared at the top level of a module.
| 3. The type of a restricted variable is monomorphic in its overloaded type
| variables; that is, it may not be used at more than one distinct
| overloading.

I _like_ it.
