Top 10 Weirdest Looking Pokemon

#3 Venonat

Pokemon should be cuddly. Pokemon should have faces with big cheery smiles. They should not resemble bugs with blood-red eyeballs that suggest they carry disease. Venonat doesn't make us go awwww. It makes us want to whack it with a rolled up newspaper.

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Latest Gallery Comments (16)

  • lolefere2015 on 4/9/2008 8:09 pm

    they all look weird. but the lighting ones

  • pokemon07686 on 4/9/2008 7:42 pm

    you are rong about number one hapiny is so cute you shoud of put in wooper

  • yungnapp on 4/9/2008 6:54 pm

    well i do wanna see what it looks like under the wrapp...

  • dderekl0serface on 4/8/2008 4:23 pm

    well i dont really get why your all so enamored with this. its pokemon. i play the gameboy game, but really im not laughing my ass off at these things because this guy is just pointing out the obvious. really anyone whos like HOLY S____ THIS IS FUNNY AS HELL! should just sign out, get a girl friend, then work on your target practice. cuz it isnt getting any better right now, trust me. wooo i was actually serious for once xD

  • javi4095 on 4/6/2008 2:55 pm

    man,what is it doing.touching it's boob that's so stupid

  • aangeld39 on 4/3/2008 9:08 pm

    i actually like, most of em, altho i dont kno a couple but those r the 1s i hate, & i TOTALLY agree with the Jynx thing. this wuz so freakin hilarious & had me ROTFL!!!

  • lexy2097 on 4/3/2008 4:35 pm

    Happiny is the cutest!

  • skyeverigold on 4/1/2008 4:18 pm

    ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's hysterical!!!!!!!!!!! of course, i don't watch the newest Pokemon series, but i did know most of them. i actually like Poliwhirl and Koffing, though. but Jynx always did scare me. O_O

  • bravenewworld77 on 4/1/2008 3:11 pm

    Poliwhirl is awesome!!!

  • metalhead118877 on 4/1/2008 3:06 pm

    jynx is a ***** lol


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