A World Lost to the Collision of Politics, Piety

When politics and piety collide, the conflagration consumes a mighty country and imperils the world.

This website is all about the Green Stone of Healing® series—epic fantasy packed with romance, action, and intrigue. The novels explore how state backing for an exclusionary religion leads to worldwide cataclysm that obliterates a powerful island nation called Azgard.

The series features four generations of strong-willed female characters who inherit a mysterious green gem ultimately revealed to mend broken bones and broken hearts, protect against missiles, and render its wearers undetectable.

These stalwart protagonists learn to use their jewel to offer a healing, inclusive alternative to a government that persecutes those who do not look like or share the religious beliefs of its leaders.

Readers who become fond of these and other characters will be delighted to discover that they reincarnate, affirming that not even death can separate lovers and loved ones (or enemies).

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About the Author

Under the byline Candace Talmadge, the author of the Green Stone of Healing® series is a columnist syndicated by North Star Writers Group

Her career as a professional writer began in 1976. She has written for numerous media that include Adweek, Business Week, the Dallas Times Herald, Forbes, the International Herald Tribune, The New York Times, and Reuters America.

She is familiar with the intimate link between spirituality, energy, and individual and collective healing. In 1999, she published a non-fiction book about emotional and spiritual healing resolution based on the Sunan method of working in the energy of human consciousness. In this book, she provides an expanded definition of energy that demonstrates the connection between matter, spirit, mind, and heart.

To write her fantasy series, the author delved into her own past lives and those of her family, friends, clients, and acquaintances. The fictionalized result is the series presented in this website.

The author resides in Texas with her partner and editor. Readers may contact her here.
