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The Electoral Commission

Trevelyan House

Great Peter Street




T: 020 7271 0500

F: 020 7271 0505


* About us

Corporate plans

Corporate plan 2007-8

We have carried out a strategic review to determine where our priorities should lie for the next five years. We see our central purpose as setting and guaranteeing standards in key areas of democratic life in the UK, and we intend to demonstrate and enhance our effectivess as the regulator of party and election finance.

Corporate plan 2006-7

Our corporate plan sets out our role for the coming five years. One of our most important priorities is to begin the effective implementation of the key provisions in the Electoral Administration Bill - the development and implementation of performance standards in electoral administration. This will represent an important step forward in ensuring that elections are conducted as efficiently and effectively as possible. The electoral cycle covered by this plan includes Scottish Parliamentary elections, Assembly elections for Wales, Northern Ireland and Greater London, European Parliamentary elections and local elections - the latest date for the next general election is May 2010.

Corporate plan 2005-6

We are now four years old and over the next five years we will be making provision for a planned cycle of national and local elections. This will include one, possibly two general elections, local elections, European Parliamentary elections and possible national referendums. This Corporate plan sets out how we intend to fulfil our role in the coming five years.

Corporate plan 2004-5

In 2004-5 we will begin planning for the possibility of a general election in 2005. Although other elections are more predictable in their timing, the need to be in a position to carry out our statutory functions in relation to a general election illustrates one of the key planning challenges for us. We also recognise that the demands vary from year to year according to the pattern of elections (or referendums) and the number and nature of requests from government for reviews.

Corporate plan 2003-4

As our roles and responsibilities are still evolving, we are still going through a start up phase. Although now firmly established and widely recognised for the quality and impartiality of our work, our future shape is by now means set in concrete. It is vital, therefore, that our planning for the future is built on a firm foundation of resource and capability while retaining the flexibility to respond to changing requirements. The corporate plan aims to achieve those twin aims.

Corporate plan 2002-3

This plan was published in 2002, and was the first corporate plan produced by us. It represented a substantial further step towards a definition of what we need to do to fulfill its broadening remit and what resources are required for the purpose. The aims and objectives set out in this plan constitute a substantial programme of work. Such work is necessary if we are to bring our electoral system into the 21st century and foster public confidence and participation in the democratic process.

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The Electoral Commission

About us

Objectives and achievements

Corporate structure and management

The Boundary Committee for England

Committee on Standards in Public Life Eleventh Inquiry


Corporate publications

Corporate plans

Annual reports and accounts

the register


Consultation papers


Policy reports

Research reports

Election reports


Electoral Commission circulars

Electoral administration alerts

Freedom of Information

Partnership Grants Scheme

New Initiatives Fund

Tendering for Electoral Commission contracts

Complaints procedure

Equality scheme
