National Champions

Lucky7Star © January 6th 2007
I just love college football, its special magic momeories are close to my heart. Something this time of year that’s electric in the air. It’s as good as it get as far as football is concerned, at least in my humble opinion… I mean you have the NFL professional teams that everyone know are great, who are paid the big bucks to go out and put bullets on the board. They ride the big limos and parties out in Vegas.

Then you have the college kids still wet behind the ears who just are praying for a chance to get off the bench and play in the single greatest event of their life. Sure some will go on to make the big bucks and the glitz fame and glory of the national spot lights but then some of them will never make it. For some this will be the defining moment of their life. Some feature contest of miss matches David and Goliath type contest were they are not suppose to be there but they are… Others have had their homes and cities demolished by Mother Nature, other have lost their entire teams wiped out by some tragic event. All come to this moment in time as a defining moment in their lives… None will soon forget.

I want to talk for a moment by another kind of hero who will not be seeking the fame and the glory of a historic football game but rather stand upon the wall Gates of freedom to defend our Constitution for truth justice and the American way.. These are true heroes who meet danger in the dim of dawns early light. Some will not return we stand to wait until that day of judgment because until that moment we may never see their like again. The largest deployment in the history of the National Guard from both South Carolina and Georgia are taking place today for deployment into duty in a far and distant desert. There will be a football game tomorrow but we ought remember the true hero’s… Without whom sacrifice of today tomorrow may never come.

Because truth, courage, and patriotism endure forever… They are all true National Champions. God Bless America!

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