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The Holy Order Of Triformis

Author: Jonathan Sousa
Posted: August 28th. 2005
Times Viewed: 7,380


The seeds of the Holy Order of Triformis (HOOT) were planted nine years ago, with the blossoming friendship between Nemesis (of RI) and Olympias (of NM). From there, the bonds of fellowship were extended to include Nemesis' mother coven and Olympias' temple. Both groups found a great core of similarities between their philosophy and aims.

With this fellowship in place, Nemesis and Olympias both received an identical message from their Gods. On an immediate level was the call to band together as priests and priestesses of the Greek and Itallic deities. HOOT was formed in fulfillment of this, as an obligation and sacred trust.

Ideals And Aims: The Mission Statement:

We, being the Holy Order of Triformis, pledge ourselves to the following values and ideals:

First, that our primary aim is as a sacred priest/esshood of the Triple Goddess, specifically under Her Classical manifestations (Diana, Hekate, etc.). In tandem with devotion to our Lady, we also affirm that secondary reverence is accorded (in our rites and thealogy) to the other Deities of the Hellenic and Itallic paths. As a priest/esshood, we will strive to serve and honor our Gods, our People, and our Selves, as well as minister to those in need of us. We also will strive to, in service of our Triple Queen, be people of integrity, piety, honor, and understanding, both as clergy and as human beings.

Second, that we are a magical order centered upon the revival of Theurgy, or High Magic, from a Greek and Italian perspective.

Third, that we will serve as a fellowship between Witches who follow in the Thessalian, Itallic, and Sicilian Traditional Paths. Welcome to affiliate with us are Reconstructionists and Wiccans of a Greek or Itallic orientation. However, the framework in which we will operate (as an Order) will be that of the Old Craft, as practiced in the Mediterranean region.

We, the Holy Order of Triformis, will not set ourselves above any other tradition or group. For administrative purposes, we do have a hierarchy. However, we do not seek to interfere in the paths of any, including those groups and individuals that affiliate with us. Our aim is to celebrate our common origins, network, and - most importantly - to serve our Gods.

To this end, we swear, by the High Gods, that we will strive for a Craft of integrity, and that we will ever serve the Gods as best we can. So be it ardane.

Core Beliefs And Practices:

This is not a tell-all. We take our Oaths seriously, sworn to by the River Styx, by the fires of Mt. Aetna, and by our honor among men. However, what can be shared is this:

That we are a People of Faith. We know our Gods to be real - and, insofar as we are loyal to them, they will be loyal to us. It is not our policy to get hung about their nature. Whether they are all facets of one Supreme Being, or independent entities in their own right, the only thing we can state definitely is this: They are real, and they respond when called in a respectful manner.

We define the primary reason of Priesthood in one word: service. This entails that we must serve the Gods, our Communities, and our Selves.

We value both academic learning and personal direct revelation equally. When one predominates, hubris is inevitable.

Our rituals are varied. Each group maintains the integrity of its respective Path. There are some shared elements recommended to add to the cohesiveness of the Order. Most of these elements are 'on a need to know basis.'

In public ceremonies, we revert to a standard Hellenic sacrificial format, with some adaptations drawn from modern Wicca.

Ethical Standpoints:

Our basic ethical code can be summed up as: Honor, Respect, Faith, and Personal Responsibility.

In more detail, we could state: Our code is simple: I respect you, you respect me. As you sow, so shall you be made to reap. Truth is a sword, and Truth is a shield. Know thyself, and nothing to excess. This is the Code by which we live.

Membership Policies:

At this time, Lineage is passed only to those training through one of our Covens or Temples. Others may associate or participate, as a Friend of the Order.

We require a lot of research, and plain old hard-ass, sweat-producing work.


For a time, we had a complex hierarchy, with such positions as hiera/hierus, mystagogue, and hierophant. While aspects of this old system remain, this was recently changed - due to confusion with some ceremonial magic orders.

One is either a Mystai (an initiate) or a Friend of the Order. A Mystai is one who has studied for at least 3 years, agrees with our aims and ideals, and has reached 'elder status' within their specific group.

A Friend of the Order is one who is part of a different, though related path (such as Hellenic-inspired Wicca or a variety of Hellenismos), and who can be vouched for by at least five priest/esses of the Order.

A mystai may request ordination as a Priest/ess within the Order, when they receive a call from their patron Deity (or Deities). Also, they must complete a course of study involving mythology, history, ritual practice, and the mastery of oral lore.

As a Priest/ess, they have a duty to respect ALL the Gods, honor their patron(s) especially, and serve their Communities. Also, they can serve as a voice in our Council Meetings.

A Basic Recommended Reading List:

Adler, Margot. Drawing Down the Moon.
Bonefry, Yves. Roman and European Mythologies.
Bradley, Marion Zimmer. The Firebrand. (fiction)
Davies, Morganna and Lynch, Aradia. Keepers of the Flame.
Elworthy, Frederick Thomas. The Evil Eye.
Flowers, Stephen Edred. Hermetic Magic.
Frazer, Sir James. The Golden Bough.
Graf, Fritz. Magic in the Ancient World.
Grimassi, Raven. The Witches' Craft.
Johnson, Sarah Iles. Hekate Soteira.
Kerenyi, C. The Gods of the Greeks.
Kingsley, Peter. Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic.
Kingsley, Peter. Reality.
Leland, CG. Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches.
Martello, Dr Leo Louis. Witchcraft the Old Religion.
Reif, Jennifer. Mysteries of Demeter.
Van Rudloff, Robert. Hekate in Ancient Greek Religion.
Valiente, Doreen. ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present.


Nemesis can be reached at Olympias can be reached at

The above text has been approved by the Council of Hierophants, comprised of the officers of the Temple of Hekate's Torch, Raven's Light Coven, and the Hounds of Artemis Coven. It was prepared by Nemesis.


Jonathan Sousa

Location: Fall River, Massachusetts

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