A Green PC

Presidential Classroom is dedicated to being a green organization.

Presidential Classroom has a direct impact on the environment through the daily consumption of energy and paper resources.

To reduce its environmental footprint, our conference center is committed to:
Reducing its fuel and water consumption by an additional 25 percent per available room over the next 10 years.
Installing solar power.
Expanding existing “reduce, reuse, recycle” programs.

For more than 20 years, our conference center has been actively involved in energy conservation. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded the conference center with its 2008 Sustained Excellence award and placed the ENERGY STAR label on our center.

Government cannot close its eyes to the pollution of waters, to the erosion of soil, to the slashing of forests any more than it can close its eyes to the need for slum clearance and schools.

Franklin D. Roosevelt