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Nora Ephron

There are 8 entries tagged with "Nora Ephron".
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The Reality Index: The Spitzers, the Patersons, and All Those Swans

Joyce McFadden | Posted March 19, 2008 | Living

Joyce McFadden

You know what's shocking? That we are shocked, again and again, by what with some learned degree of certainty could have been predicted. "Upstanding" citizens in the public eye impacted by sex outside their marriages? Well, of course they are. Because we all are.

We desperately want to believe...

DVDs: "The Royle Family" -- A Classic Britcom

Michael Giltz | Posted January 16, 2008 | Entertainment

Michael Giltz

It's the simplest idea imaginable: a blue collar family in England flops down on the couch and watches the telly. Quite literally, that's it for The Royle Family - The Complete First Season ($24.98; BBC Video). But that simple idea is executed so brilliantly that this wonderfully acted, hilariously funny...

Does Anyone Else Think That...?

Sherman Yellen | Posted November 14, 2007 | Politics

Sherman Yellen

We'll start with an easy one.

Does anyone else think that Owen Wilson and Ellen DeGeneres are identical twins?

Now let's delve a little deeper.

Does anyone else think that the pesky fly who buzzed around Condoleezza Rice's talking head during last Sunday's interview on ABC was...

NY Celebs Picket For Writers

AP   |  Karen Matthews   |   November 8, 2007 06:22 PM

Julianne Moore schmoozed with Nora Ephron. Robin Williams chatted up David Duchovny. Richard Belzer walked one dog and toted another in a zippered bag. Film festival? Premiere? No, it was the picket line in front of Time Warner Center on...

It's Hard to be a Democrat

Nora Ephron | Posted November 5, 2007 | Politics

Nora Ephron

It's hard to be a Democrat, don't you think? There's no alternative, of course, but it's hard. Someone asked me the other day to write something about why I was a Democrat, and I had no trouble making a list of 10 reasons. Of course, five of those reasons were...

Nora Ephron And IHOP's Julia Stewart Talk Pancakes

Fortune.com   |   October 24, 2007 03:12 PM

As chairman and chief executive of IHOP, Julia Stewart is a major force in the restaurant world. With a recent best-seller "I Feel bad About my Neck" and hit comedies "Sleepless in Seattle" and "You've Got Mail" under her...

Hail to the Punchline-in-Chief: An All-Star Panel of Pundits Weighs in on America's Most Comical Presidents

Arianna Huffington | Posted October 11, 2007 | Politics

Arianna Huffington

Mark Twain wrote that exposure to good satire -- that is, savage wit at the service of passionate conviction -- makes citizens less likely to be "shriveled into sheep."

So there will be considerably less bleating coming from the American people during the campaign ahead. Because six years after 9/11,...

The Informational Cascade and the Egg-White Omelette

Nora Ephron | Posted October 10, 2007 | Living

Nora Ephron

There's a new book out about diet, and it apparently says what I've known all my life -- protein is good for you, carbohydrates are bad, and fat is highly overrated as a dangerous substance. Well, it's about time. As my mother used to say, you can never have too...


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