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What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy originated in France in the 1950s and has now spread around the world. Mesotherapy has been used in Clinical practice since its introduction in 1952 by Dr. M. Pistor. Currently 15,000 physicians in France utilize the technique and there has been no evidence at present of any long-term consequences of Mesotherapy. It is the practice of injecting small amounts of medications (microinjections) and vitamins, minerals, amino acids and medications below the surface of the skin to bring their healing properties to the treated areas.


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Cellulite Removal and Plastic Surgery

Mesotherapy is a procedure used in the USA primarily for cellulite reduction in unwanted areas as well as for skin rejuvenation. Mesotherapy has minimal side effects if these medications are used in small amounts.

For many physicians, including plastic and cosmetic surgeons, the most effective technique they offer for the treatment of cellulite is mesotherapy. If you're searching for a physician or healthcare professional who performs mesotherapy in your area, you came to the right place. is the most comprehensive listing of mesotherapy doctors on the Internet.

Mesotherapy Procedure

Prior to a mesotherapy session, your doctor should identify and map the area to be treated. Once the area is mapped, the site is cleansed with alcohol, and the patient placed on the treatment table before micro-injections are given. During the procedure your doctor uses a very short and thin needle making multiple injections of homeopathic medications traditional pharmaceuticals, vitamins, mineral and amino acids into the targeted area. All medications are selected for the specific condition being treated. For overall weight loss your doctor may inject larger areas to cause a general dissolution of the fat over your body. When treating cellulite, one formulation of medications may be used to dissolve the fat and another to destroy the fibrous bands that bind the skin. Mesotherapy is custom-tailored for each individual. Unlike surgery, mesotherapy is virtually painless. There are no heavy bandages or girdles that need to be worn and one can resume work with relatively no downtime.

Mesotherapy in The News

You have seen mesotherapy featured on such television shows as 48 Hours, The View, 20/20, and in such national newspapers as The Washington Post, The New York Times, and USA Today, as well as many woman's magazines including People Magazine, W Magazine, Allure, Elle, among others. Read more.

With the explosion in awareness about cosmetic enhancement many people are looking for a kinder, gentler way. Less is more. Mesotherapy seems to fit that bill.


Mesotherapy has been used for bodysculpting as an alternative to liposuction. Mesotherapy can shrink belly fat, double chins, saddlebags and bra bulge. For some it is a reasonable alternative to surgery to shrink fat underneath the eyes. As a cellulite treatment mesotherapy has no peers. Cottage cheese and dimpling fade away. Many believe mesotherapy to be far, far superior to endermology or any laser treatment.

Facial mesotherapy using vitamins and hyaluronic acid can create glow and really rejuvenate. In many instances the Mesolift or Mesoglow can be performed two or three days BEFORE your daughter's or grand daughter's wedding for a healthy radiant glow. (Even the Bride can be treated!)

Is Mesotherapy a New Treatment?

You will be surprised to learn that mesotherapy is not a new procedure. It has actually been performed in Europe for over 50 years. It was developed by the French physician Michel Pistor, M.D. to treat a variety of health ailments. Over the course of time, his colleagues in both Europe and South America discovered the mesotherapy was amazingly effective in handling cosmetic problems formally confined to the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery.

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