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VIDEO: Gears of War 2, Metal Gear 4, and Mario Baseball! Check out the top stories of the week in this GamePro News.

 GamePro NEWS

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True Horror : Columbian Chainsaw Massacre

True Horror : Columbian Chainsaw Massacre

Think slaughtering people with chainsaws is only in cheesy horror movies? Think again!

New on Virtual Console: Fantasy Zone, Mega Turrican

New on Virtual Console: Fantasy Zone, Mega Turrican

GOD I love shooters. Mmmmmmm, shooters. Shooters shooters shooters. Shooting all day until I can't shoot no more. Shoooooooooters. Oh hey, look, more shooters have been added to the Virtual Console. How about that.

NEWS: Prom Night #1 Movie in America!

NEWS: Prom Night #1 Movie in America!

A sad commentary on the state of horror films these days when kiddie fare is rewarded!

April Discussion: My thoughts on the updated Zerg Baneling

April Discussion: My thoughts on the updated Zerg Baneling

The dev. team has made some serious changes to the Zerg Baneling and I weigh in on Blizzard's discussion topic for the month of April.

Screen Shot Contest - Winners!

Screen Shot Contest - Winners!

3 Categories - 3 Winners!

Name That Screenshot! #2

Name That Screenshot! #2

Okay, so the last one wasn't a mega-ultra super toughie. Try this on for size!

GTA IV: Still Shocking

GTA IV: Still Shocking

The Grand Theft Auto swag has made its rounds through the office, much to shock and delight of the GamePro crew...

Shiren the Wanderer DS Diary 7: Victory

Shiren the Wanderer DS Diary 7: Victory

I promised I'd do it, and I did. I finished Shiren the Wanderer DS's main quest. ... about two weeks ago. I haven't stopped playing the game since.

Game of the Week

Emergency Mayhem

Emergency Mayhem - Wii

EM combines the excitement of arcade racers with the versatility of the Wii's controls: a truly entertaining experience.

  • Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
  • Release Date: 04/15/08
  • ESRB Rating: Teen
  • Visit Site