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Tico feigns patience and understanding when Jessica isn't ready to make love with him. Tico has a cryptic conversation with the governor. Jessica defends her decision when Viki warns her that it was a mistake to marry Tico. Going against Dorian, Tico arranges for Adriana to see Duke. Disguising his voice, Tico calls Antonio as El Tiburon and tells him to expect an important assignment soon. Dorian receives a package from a friend in Mendorra containing financial papers about Manuel's fortune along with a key to a safety deposit box. Adriana sees David and Dorian locking the items in Dorian's safe. Rex and Paul exchange threats. Natalie attacks Paul when she realizes he stole the heirloom earrings Viki had given her. John and Evangeline take a step forward in their relationship. Natalie sees John with Evangeline.