Using the “Discuss” tool in Google spreadsheets | ICT in my Classroom

Posted by LindaH on March 20th, 2008 filed in Web 2.0

My friend Tom has been exploring the use of Google Aps in  the Primary (elementary) classroom on this side of the pond:

Using the “Discuss” tool in Google spreadsheets | ICT in my Classroom
We have been using spreadsheets from Google quite considerably this year. The main strength over Excel is the ability to share the data that is generated and benefit from a pooling of efforts and results. One of the most recent uses in my Year 5/Grade 4 class was during a History lesson, in which we were exploring why the River Nile is so important to Egypt. I posed the question quite openly and asked the children to explore some climate data about different world cities in order to refer it against some of the major cities in Egypt

Tom concludes that using the google ap was a clear winner over  using an offline tool. He thinks it will be particularly useful when it comes to doing some formative assessment.

GO read his post :-) and while you are there have a look at the other great stuff he’s doing with Google Apps.

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