Sears Power Strip

Posted on Wednesday 2 August 2006

First I removed the five screws from the top of the unit.

Then I removed the two plastic caps from either side of the unit.

Now pull out the metal strip from the bottom of the unit.

Next, pull out the splitters for the power, to get them out of the way, you cant fully remove them just yet, but it makes it easier to take them fully out later.

Now remove the metal connectors from the main unit(what the power from the wall runs into.) from the set of plugs. You can either pull them out, if you have the arm strength, or use a screwdriver to pry them up.

Now, to completely remove the splitters, there are two more wires to remove, one to pull out (however you may like), and one to unscrew.

Now, to remove the reset switch you have to unscrew a ring from the exterior of the case.

Take a guess on what we have to do to remove the reset switch. One guess, thats right, remove a wire. Just remove it with your choice, screwdriver or old fashioned pliers and/or brute force.

Now we’re done! Here’s the aftermath, plus countless screws.

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5 Comments for 'Sears Power Strip'

    August 3, 2006 | 4:22 am

    We dont need to dissassemble them at college, they’re in their constituant parts already! Just dont touch it when its on and its fine! They are quite old the plugs!

    August 3, 2006 | 10:36 am

    how do i put it back??

    August 3, 2006 | 6:33 pm

    very carefully

    March 17, 2007 | 8:40 am

    Lol i used to take this things apart and then take you know the little buzzers that test if they work or something off and hook up a battery too it when i was like 8 i love taking things apart whatever i could get my hands on i would. Well anyways i’d take it apart hook up to a phone battery then push the tester run and watch the fire works. Once i did it in the house and my butt really regretted it.

    April 16, 2007 | 6:38 pm

    aaron, LOLZ!!!!!!!

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