I Had My Cry...

My daughter called from Florida. Ligaya...Happiness. We talked. She read my Blog and wanted to "hear" for herself. "Don't give in to defeat, Mom! Give it to the LORD!" I told her how I can't remember. We talked some more. I told her how I couldn't make my bed. She said, "That's ok to be lazy." We both laughed. Yeah, my daughter and I. Happiness and me. icon_biggrin

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Thankful Thursday!

Such a thankful Thursday! My Web Master came by. It was our very first meeting. Gosh, I knew from his picture from his Blog, the man was good looking. His picture doesn't do him any justice. The man is HANDSOME! Tall. Looks like a Vice. You know me and cops. icon_lol Anyway, Blaine is happily married. I forgot to ask him if he had any single or divorced brothers icon_exclaim Then again...I wouldn't want to lose any friendship. icon_sad Yep, MAMA was impressed with him too. So, was Antonio.

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My Son's Answer

Today is another day. The only part of yesterday I want to remember is what Antonio did. icon_lol Also, when Conrad called. "Hi! Mom!" "What did you make for dinner?" he asked. "Chicken Long Rice and Fried Italian sausages simmered in tomato sauce." "OOOhhh!!! I'm coming over." "Ok, son," I replied. icon_razz

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The Fruit...

The fruit of SILENCE is Prayer,

The fruit of PRAYER is Faith,

The fruit of FAITH is Love,

The friut of LOVE is Service,

The fruit of SERVICE is Peace."

Mother Theresa

Today, something overcame me. I was so full of hatred and anger at someone. I don't know the person. However, some of her posts, touched me somehow. I tried to befriend her. I guess I should have known. She didn't feel the same way. No, it was only this afternoon that I saw clearly what she is from the powers of which I have.

What I saw from my screen was pure Evil staring right back at me. Sinister and ugly. I was terrified and instead of fighting back with the LOVE of Jesus...I fought back with the same kind of evil she had. I took a much needed break and prayed. Now, I am back and able to explain in better detail to what happen.

I am not afraid of this person nor of what she represents. It is she that is afraid of me and who I represent. I am his vessel, one of his shepards to bring in his sheep. No false witness but one who bears the truth in speaking and glorifying his name to one and all!

I will not be shattered by her ugliness and evil of which she emits. I shall emit back the love and peace of which GOD alone has given me. To share by FAITH. For good shall destroy evil in the end. It always does.

In Christ,

Lynn Vasquez icon_wink

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Antoni-Israel Ho'okele No''eau Avilla --My Grandson

"H E"

I don't remember when or where I learned this song.

I do know that whenever I felt down, and needed to feel him near, I sang this song.

He can make turn the tide into an angry sea

He alone decides who writes a symphony

He lights every star, to make the darkness bright

He keeps watch all through

Each dark and lonely night

He still finds a time to hear a child's first prayer

Saint or Sinner's call. you'll always find him there

Though, it makes him sad, to see the way we live

He'll always say, "I, FORGIVE!"

Author and Band: Unknown

I always sing this to Antonio since he was born. I hope and pray the words will be remembered by him...as it was in me too. That he will sing it one day for the same resaons, when he wants to know the LORD.

Father God, I humbly thank you for loving me. For your guidance and especially for bringing friends whom I cherish through this wonderful website and also at the forums I belong to. Lord, I ask that you bless my family and them. Keep all safe from harm. We all have our own daily struggles and sacrafices we must make. Give us strength and wisdom. Most of all Father, let us get to know you better, so we can become spritually stronger to serve you. I love you and put you first in my life Father God. I ask this in the name of you precious son, Jesus Christ, Amen. icon_surprised

Alyn Vasquez
Have a wonderful Wednesday! icon_wink

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I Choose My Son!


I Choose My Son!
September 26, 2005, 10:22 pm

Auntie Lynn aka Auntie Pupule with My SON, Conrad Vasquez -- Single

Tonight, I was thinking and thinking about having Mark being registered under my household for another year again. That would make eight years as my Caregiver. Fricken Asshole! It is more like I was his damn caregiver than he was mine. More like I was his Sugar Mommy if anything! Yep, the truth hurts but if anything...for me it doesn't hurt that long. That's a wake-up call. Better now than tomarrow.

by lynn in General

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My Soldiers!

My Soldiers!





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