May 03

What bothers me more than just about anything is how people in the political arena, the news and on TV act like they love everyone, only say good things about others and blatantly lie about nearly everything. Anytime you hear an actor being interviewed, they say everyone they work with is wonderful, the director is so nice and so on. We all know these people are just saying that and hiding the truth. I’d like to see just one person tell the truth and recklessly risk their career because they refuse to lie. What if some famous actor said this in an interview:

Q: What was it like being directed by Steven Spielberg?

A: He’s a freaking jerk, and I will hate his guts until the day I die. I did make 18 million dollars, and I know I’m supposed to act like I like him just because everybody else does. No matter how you slice it, he is an asshole who thinks he’s God. It truly sucked working with him.

Why do they lie? The main reason is because they would never get another job. It’s all about superficial image and fake reputations. Society reinforces and rewards these behaviors, producing highly deceptive individuals. There is a fine line between being polite and being a fraudulent liar. I’m not saying Steven Spielberg is really like that, but if he was, we would never know. When a famous person is exposed for a crime or something nefarious, we love it even more. We love to watch people fall and have their lives ruined.

I was the only person that ever stood up to an out of line boss at any job I’ve ever had! When something was wrong, I would stand up for what is right while everyone else turned a blind eye. Every time I’ve ever done that, my coworkers turned their backs on me in order to keep their jobs. I would love to work as a professional journalist, but would be fired for telling the truth the first time I opened my mouth. The people in the media, especially the corporate media, are told what to say and write. They can’t just say whatever they want. They are controlled.

We all try to save face and protect our reputations even if it has a powerfully negative effect on society. I can forgive someone who tells the truth, but it’s much more difficult when they lie. Why not admit you’re wrong, apologize and change your ways (that would be far too truthful). This is a tough subject to discuss because it is so sensitive. We are taught to be two different people: the one in the public eye, and the real one at home behind the scenes. We bloggers are like that too in many ways.

Telling the truth will make you unpopular and kill your career

A few months ago, TV talk show host Montel Williams, was working part time for Fox news. He was being being interviewed and was asked about the death of actor Heath Ledger. Montel said though he felt bad that Heath Ledger died, it was unimportant compared to the many soldiers who had died that day in Iraq. He said nobody mentioned who these soldiers were, and would appreciate it if they would talk about the soldiers instead.

He upset the producers of Fox news, and was fired for telling the truth. Maybe what he said wasn’t the popular thing to say, but I personally appreciate him saying it. I don’t want to see anyone die, but when an actor gets more attention than soldiers getting blown in half, something is terribly wrong. I believe that most of us appreciate the few people out there who bravely tell the truth regardless of repercussion and backlash.

Politics is infested with liars and the public demands it. Recently, presidential candidate Barack Obama said that when small town Americans fall into hard times, they cling to religion and guns. People were extremely offended by this statement. What he said is true, but telling the truth can destroy a political career! Now, to avoid losing the election, he has to hide his real feelings so people don’t get upset. The public doesn’t want the truth, they want to be coddled and lied to. Why are we so sensitive? He didn’t wear an American flag pin on his shirt, so people think he is unpatriotic. By that rationale, a person can wear a flag pin, proclaim their Christianity and kiss America’s ass - they will then fit the superficial mold of what is acceptable, even if they are lying.

I want the truth and nothing but the truth

We need a leader who will tell the truth, no matter how brutal or offensive it maybe. We need journalists who tell the truth, even if it gets them fired from their jobs - fearless warriors of the written and spoken word. More than anything, we need a public who can handle the truth. I’d like to have a president who looks into the camera eye and says. “You people suck. You don’t care about anything except yourselves. This country is all screwed up because of you! It’s your fault!”

That would be refreshing because it is absolutely true. I don’t want lies, nor to be coddled by anyone - I want the truth in all it’s glory. We all tell little white lies, and we don’t want to purposefully hurt people’s feelings; however, when it comes to important things like the leader of a nation or war, the truth must be told no matter how whose feelings get hurt. It’s time for people to toughen up and get over their delicate sensibilities.

I would like to see every person running for public office undergo a polygraph test on television. Wouldn’t that be fantastic? We the public should demand it.

I know a young guy who had his arms blown off and lost his left eye in the Iraq war. He told me he was so hurt to see the media hardly ever talking about the war. Everyone is busy watching American Idol and Survivor. People are so far removed from reality, it is truly bewildering. It’s not really their own faults because the media never talks about who died in any detail. At the end of every news cast, they mention how many people were killed that day and never even mention their names. The media only shows what is popular to keep ratings high. It’s all about money.

I know many people who don’t watch the news or pay attention to what’s going on in the world, mostly because they’re not interested and are disturbed by it. The truth is, our entire society is based on lies, not just in America, but all over the world.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t enjoy our favorite shows and movies, but we should learn about what is going on in the world - no matter how much we don’t want to.

* The polygraph picture is from Tennessee Lawman

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Posted in: critical thinking, issue awareness, politics, thought | 25 Comments »

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May 01

I’m dedicating this post to my friend Euroyank’s Battle of the Blogs Debates. I didn’t follow the rules exactly, but as an oppressed American, I have an aversion to rules. Check out his post, it is brilliant!

By using credit cards, you are personally destroying your own life. Most of the economic problems in the world are your fault, not the fault of the world banks and our leaders. I read a fantastic article from a blogger I happened upon today, Steve Karmazenuk, who wrote The Perverse Society: The Illusion of Freedom in the Market Economy. This guy has the right idea! He basically says to cut up your credit cards and not pay the bills at all. Good credit is irrelevant. Find three people to do the same and so on…haha! Too bad we don’t all have the guts to do that. Be sure to read his post.

These things are on my mind a lot these days because it’s getting so difficult to afford necessities, and be able to drive to work. I personally don’t use credit cards and only buy in cash - if I can’t buy it outright, I do without. In America, if you buy a house, chances are you will lose it and your credit will be destroyed. The banks and governments are enslaving us, keeping us all in eternal debt. Most people never pay their credit card bills on time, and end up never actually owning anything. They are basically renting their entire lives, making banks richer. Who’s fault is it? It’s our own fault.

Putting a cap on credit card and loan interest

This is a great idea! I don’t know if I’m the only one who has ever thought about it, but I haven’t read about it in the media - not once. This should be one subject on the front page of every newspaper, but it’s something completely ignored. Have you wondered why their is no cap on the amount of profit credit card companies can make off of you? Theoretically, you could end up paying $100,000.00 for a $5,000.00 car! Why aren’t our politicians talking about that? Instead of capping profits, they incur more fees and lower your credit rating every time you get behind, making life harder and harder. It’s called slavery.

People are worried about identity theft, and are paying for protection from high cost services like LifeLock. This sounds exactly like a mafia protection racket! The federal reserve is the world’s greatest loan shark and our leaders are a bunch of greed infested scumbags who deserve a prison cell (or a rat infested dungeon).

The greatest protection against identity theft is to have bad credit - no one would want to steal your identity then! I guess I am pretty safe

Then we have the big oil companies making record profits while we can barely afford to drive to work so we can make more money, so we can buy more gas at higher prices, so we can get to work to make more money, so we can by more gas…until we eventually die - what a great life. If you don’t have these problems, then you are in a very small minority. Oil companies should not even exist. There should be only one oil company and it should be owned by who? Us!!!!! It should be a corporation evenly owned by everyone - by law.

We need radical solutions not band-aids. It’s time for a worldwide revolution - an economic evolution. I wish Americans had been smarter and voted for Ron Paul, but they didn’t. Instead, they picked 3 yes-men (yes I do consider Hillary to be a male) who will not solve a single problem. I’ve been listening to political pundits on the news all week talking about how oil companies have the right to make a profit…hahaha! What? They only make around 7% profit, and most of that is invested in the stock market to make them even more profit. They make it sound like these billionaires are suffering.


Terrorism has been blown way out of proportion. I am completely unconcerned about it. I’m concerned about the corrupted filth behind the world banks. One or two more terror attacks, and America will be a totalitarian police state. As soon as it happens, I’ll know who did it: our own government.

People actually believe that 9-11 was not an inside job. The media will not even consider the idea! Wake up and smell the bullshit, our government is responsible. When we get hit by another attack, I will still be unafraid of terrorism. If you don’t believe it was an inside job, then you just don’t know the facts.


Socialism is considered a bad word. As soon as it’s mentioned, it’s followed by the phrase “socialistic utopia” that will destroy our country. I don’t want a socialist government, but some aspects of socialism would be good for America and nearly every country. Right now, if I get cancer…I will die without treatment. I cannot afford health care. I am scared to live here. To think that people are actually behind John McCain for president frightens me even more. The entire country should stop working right this minute and go sit on the white house lawn. Imagine 300 million people demanding a new government, right this second. What would happen? I think they would drop bombs on us and roast marshmallows on our burning bodies - with evil smiles on their faces.

To sum up here’s what needs to be done:

  1. Abolish the federal reserve
  2. Abolish federal income tax
  3. Cap all credit card and loan interest
  4. Give everyone a clean slate, removing all bad credit ratings
  5. Give everyone healthcare

Which presidential candidate will do this? Not one. I hope Ron Paul lives long enough to get elected. I know these are radical ideas but they must be accomplished. I have nothing else to say about this subject. I am over politics. My next post will be about something much different. I really appreciate the people who have commented on my past few serious posts because I didn’t think I would get any comments at all. Thank you very much. I know many of my readers don’t comment on these types of posts, but I do understand. This information is important to me and it really should be important to everyone. Maybe I’ll write an extremely twisted horror story or do a meme…hahaha! :mrgreen:

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Posted in: critical thinking, issue awareness, politics | 22 Comments »

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Apr 29

I was filling out a job application and couldn’t help but feel violated because of the detailed information required. I’m going for something much higher paying than I have now which is understandable because of the collapsing economy. One thing on my mind is how people are stereotyped, labeled and categorized in modern society. Like many places, this one had me sit down at a computer to fill it out the application; there was no person to talk to, just an impersonal machine.

The collection of demographic information makes me feel uncomfortable. They first ask you to check a square by your race. Am I African American, Caucasian, Latin American and so on. I’m wondering what difference does it make? It was incredibly detailed - even asking if I had a tattoo and if so, where on my body it was as a picture of it would need to be taken. They required a highly detailed 12 year job history and required I give them permission to check my credit. I feel that is a violation of my constitutional rights. No employer has the right to peer into my private credit history. I had to give them permission to also do a criminal background check which I understand, but for this particular job, I felt was quite unnecessary.

Finally of course, they required a hair shaft drug screen, where they pluck several hairs from your scalp for spectroscopic chemical analysis. By the time I was done, I felt like I had been molested. You may be wondering what kind of job I was applying for. Surely it was to homeland security, the FBI or something extremely sensitive…right? No. It was a bartending job at the Beau Rivage Casino…hahaha! That is unbelievable isn’t it? Yes, it is an incredibly high paying job, but the requirements are ridiculous.

Modern society is based on shallow attitudes and ratings. We have learned to stereotype and rate people based on different criteria. We are being psychologically conditioned by mass media entertainment: she’s beautiful, he’s an asshole, those people are black, they’re racist, he’s a fundamental Christian bigot, she’s an atheist with no heart or soul and so forth. It’s so ingrained into our lives - we have become slaves to entertainment, religion, patriotism and many other labels.

I talked about how we do not realize how much power we truly have in my previous post on aikido. You live your life, do the best you can and become a slave to society itself. People have this take care of your own backyard mentality because there is nothing you can do to change anything. That’s true and exactly what our leaders want. They want you enslaved and helpless, watching TV, noodling on the web and on and on - all while a handful of super rich individuals have and own everything.

Think about this: You are a Christian parent with a five year old child. Religion and Jesus is everything to you and you’re teaching your child the same thing. Your neighbors are an atheist family with a five year old child. The atheist family believes that Jesus is a myth and never actually existed. They believe the bible is just a bunch of mythological stories plagiarized from other works that predate Christianity. Would you let your Christian child play with the atheist child? Would you be friends with the atheist family? What if the atheist parents told your young impressionable Christian child that nothing in the bible is true? Would you be upset? Of course you would, and chances are, you would not be friends with them. The point is, when religion or any view causes such a deep division among people, it ceases to be good. There are even fundamentalist atheists who think all religion should be outlawed. They are both wrong. I am part of no group and choose instead to be a free thinker, which is also a label and causes division. Isn’t life fun? :shock:

Some people think a possible second American revolution is coming. I fully disagree with that. We are far too lazy and just don’t care enough to do anything about it. Have you heard the phrase, divide and conquer? That’s exactly what is going on in this world. We are all divided, not just geographically, but by race, religion, class and other means. The world is filled with problems, but at the heart of every single one of them is this division between us all.

These labels, stereotypes and shallow generalizations will never go away, but we have to live together and get along. We shouldn’t generalize anything. Some people generalize about Muslims which is ridiculous. They are all different depending on where they’re from and many other factors. It’s just like there are many types of Christians. People think Jewish people are tight with their money, Mexican people steal cars, British people have bad teeth, people from the southern United States commit incest - it goes on forever. Young girls feel ugly when they don’t fit the image of what popular magazines say is beautiful, which is so unsettling it makes me sick. In France, I believe “stick” models are banned from magazine commercials if I’m not mistaken. In America, such a law would be considered a violation of our freedom…hahaha! Go figure.

I don’t have the answers, just some observations. None of this stuff stresses me out any more, it doesn’t help anything, especially me. I was thinking about what could help me and my blog. Here are some ideas:

On The Lighter Side

  • I need to get in the Oprah Winfrey studio audience or do something wrong and get sued on Judge Judy’s TV show. As soon as the mike got near my mouth I would say, “Revellian dot com…that’s r-e-v-e-l-l-i-a-n dot com,” over and over. I wouldn’t shut up until they arrested me gaining me national headlines. While basking in my 15 minutes of fame, I would go streaking down the streets of New York City screaming my website name. Following that, I would get a book deal and a spot on some sitcom. Hey…it’s a plan.
  • If I could be spotted alone with Hillary Clinton and get someone to snap a photo, I would tell everyone I had sex with her. When asked by the media, I would say something smart like, “She was walking with a limp on cloud 9 when I got done with it.” I figure this site would get 10 million hits the day it happened. With 15 year old Miley Cyrus getting tons of attention because of her new racy pictures, I could do something similar. People don’t realize that her ploy was engineered specifically to garner massive press. Vanity Fair magazine got 5 million hits yesterday because of this. After all, isn’t any and all press, good press? Sorry to get off topic towards the end, but I didn’t want to end this post on a sad note. :twisted:

* The picture is How to spot a psychopath! from Dan’s Data
* I actually wrote this post several months ago, one of many sitting unpublished. I added a little to it this morning so it would be better and more current.

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Posted in: Humor, politics, racism, thought, world peace | 30 Comments »

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Apr 27

What I love most about blogging is how it brings people together from all over Earth. We are all much more alike than we are different. This past week has been painful and spiritually draining, mostly because I see and understand the world’s problems - I sometimes wish I didn’t. I believe that many things like race, religion, politics, patriotism, class, nationalism and many other forms of separatist identification destroy relationships between people in many ways. All these things are as irrelevant as the brand of clothes we wear when compared to our need for each other. We are powerfully interconnected and blogging makes the world so much smaller.

I’ve often thought that the only way people will come together would be if Earth came under attack by aliens from outer space. If the people of Earth faced such a situation, we would come together as one, overlooking foolish differences. We could find that love, which seems to be missing in this world. I see blogging as the most powerful form of communication for us all. I choose to blog because I believe it does bring us all together. While our governments fight, terrorism grows and wars are waged, people in every country are becoming friends; that is powerful, beautiful and majestic.

I say rise above your beliefs and love all people. Try hard to not label others. Love is and will always be the answer to all the worlds problems - not bombs, guns and totalitarian government control (which is exactly where America is headed). The masses of normal people have absolutely no idea how powerful they are and how much impact they can personally have. Take action and do something great for someone in need or for this world:)

Peace and love,

Bobby Revell

Remember that giving is the best part of blogging! Here are this weeks links:

Zeitgeist The Movie - One of the most important films ever made. Take two hours and watch it - it’s free. I mentioned it before, but will keep reminding people to see it. It exposes the myth of 9-11 and the financial institutions of the world. It is extraordinary, powerfully riveting and extremely important to see. It may help wake you up to something you have never seen before. Please watch it, I beg you!

Vaguetarian Tea Room - My very good friend Teeni has moved from her old address to her brand spanking new domain! I am very excited for her because I know how great it is to own your own site and be your own webmaster. To be a real friend, I will go through my older posts where I linked to her and correct each url. Congratulations Teeni, you new blog looks fantastic!

Rubeina, my very first friend from Mauritius! She has a fairly new blog with some great articles - be sure to pay her a visit. She is very intelligent, friendly and an aspiring young guitarist…yay! I found two fine articles from her I wanted to mention here:

  1. 5 Firefox Add-ons to make Directory Submissions faster - A very cool breakdown of useful Firefox addons, check em out!
  2. Defensive Mode - A wonderful post explaining how she feels about working in the corporate world as opposed to really going for your dreams. I really feel connected to her sentiment because I think similarly. I got a lot of bad advice while in high school and made many mistakes. I list a related post below:

Jobs and Careers: My Journey to Happiness - This is one of my favorite posts written by me. It explains what happened to me when I went to work for a huge corporation as a guitar designer/builder. No matter how hard I worked, I was nobody and would have remained nobody as long as I worked there. It’s a heartbreaking post about how my life was almost destroyed because of corporate politics.

I made another new friend, Catatonic Kid from Australia. She is a brilliant and philosophical writer with much insight into life’s dilemmas. I found two posts I wanted to link to here that are important to read:

  1. The Walls We Build: Fighting terrorism or fighting fear? - A well stated and eloquent piece about our perception of terrorism. She mentions something many of us have forgotten: other wars have been started against unseen or unidentifiable enemies even before 9-11. This is a great article.
  2. Roadkill Kippers and Karmic Reward: How to say ‘takecare’ and mean it. - I have suffered from severe depression for years but finally have a handle on it. This post is powerful, meaningful and has a great message about reaching out to others.

Create Your Own Graffiti - I thought someone had kidnapped my good friend the Brown Baron, but he has been putting up a few posts, and this one is very cool. This is one blogger I have missed like crazy. I hope all is well Baron:)

My Purrfect Phoebe! - My friend Marzie has put up the cutest pictures of her Persian kitty yet! If you are looking for a smile and some uplifting cheer, take a look at Phoebe - she is unbelievably precious. The popularity of Marzie’s blog has exploded and is almost intimidating, but she is so friendly and caring it is truly astonishing - something very special and magical indeed!

Blogspot Template - Looking for a cool new template for your blogspot blog? These are some of the best I’ve seen. They have everything including 2 and 3 column and fresh wordpress like themes. They look great!

I wanted to give a special shout out to a few friends I don’t mention enough but deserve some very special limelight:

Bobo - Thanks for talking to me so much when I have been down, it means so much to me:)

Jamilla - I am so proud to win your contest, you are a true friend and lift my spirits so much:)

Zubli - Thanks so much for being a great friend. You’ve been through some extremely difficult hurdles, but you know your real friends are behind you always:)

I have so many people to thank, it will require an extensive post I am already working on - I hope to have it up soon:)

The awesome picture is from LI Biz Blog - Fix it: Energy

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Posted in: Bobby's Batch, social networking | 18 Comments »

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Apr 25

Whenever I’ve written a “deep” article in the past, I’ve noticed that few people are interested. I hope you read this one. I’ve been a little burned out on blogging and have been taking a little break. I feel better now:)

When it comes to the subjects of religion and philosophy, I rarely share my views because people take it so personally. I feel like religion tends to segregate people instead of bringing them together in many cases, especially in America. Martin Luther King said the most segregated time in America in on Sunday morning; he was absolutely correct. I was raised to be a catholic. At age 13, I scrutinized and questioned the beliefs I was taught and decided that I wasn’t a Christian. There seemed to be too many different versions of Christianity, all with differing viewpoints. Every group thinks they are right.

Most of my spiritual and philosophical beliefs come from martial arts, many from the teachings of Aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba. I’ve studied virtually every philosophy, but none are as deep and truly applicable in modern times as his. Aikido is a martial art unlike any other in it’s level of depth and philosophical beauty. In my opinion, Ueshiba was the greatest martial arts master who ever lived. It wasn’t because he could defeat dozens of armed attackers with the utmost of ease, it was the meaning and harmonious nature of what he taught. It is based on the peaceful resolution of conflict, which is apparently impossible to understand by the inept and ignorant leaders who run this world. Aikido should be taught to every child, the world would be a better place.

Here’s a breakdown of what Aikido (way of harmonious spirit) means:

ai - joining, harmonizing

ki - spirit, life energy

do - way, path

The point is, there is always a way to achieve peaceful resolution in all conflict - in everything from terrorism to inner city gangs. Of course, when you have moronic idiots in charge of countries (like George W. Bush), it seems like an impossibility. Morihei Ueshiba, possibly the most prolific and powerful warrior who ever lived (besides Miyamoto Musashi), thought that harmony was the answer to every problem. Think about that. The baddest of the bad found a way to defeat any opponent without killing them. His teachings have had the most profound influence on my personal philosophy.

The hurricane of miracles blows perpetually. Day and night the phenomenon surges around us on all sides, and (not least marvelous) all without disturbing the majestic tranquility of the creation. This tumult is harmony.

-Victor Hugo

It is easy to drop bombs on people, shoot them, not negotiate and have this staunch position of unyielding resolve. What is the difference between dropping a nuclear bomb on a country and fighting them slowly in a long drawn out campaign such as the war in Iraq? Not much. When you think about the casualties on all sides in the current war, people are dying slowly rather than all at once such as by nuclear bomb; however, the public is more accepting of a slow war. It seems too harsh to just blow a country off the map in one strike. Instead, they do it slowly killing even more people, but it’s easier to swallow. Either way, it is an act of cowardice and stupidity.

In gang or prison violence, there’s this emphasis on “respect”. You’ve seen it in action. Some guy says, “You disrespected me fool,” and stabs someone 147 times - blood splattering - body parts lying about. That is the act of an ignorant fool; the same type of ignorant fools who run the military and modern politics. Yes, our current president has an uneducated, gangster mentality.

So I’m watching the current negative campaigning of Hillary Clinton. She proclaims Barack Obama doesn’t have the “kick ass” attitude to be president. Like I said, I’m not happy with any of the candidates, but I like Obama’s decision to be above this stupid wrestling match mentality. Hillary knocks back a shot of whiskey and washes it down with beer so she can appeal to the working class white voter - the people who work in lumber mills, bowl, drink beer and go to church every Sunday. Life is not a football game or a wrestling match…haha. I’ve always wanted a female president, but not Hillary Clinton.

This is exactly why wrestling (the fake wrestling like Hulk Hogan performs) is such a popular form of entertainment in America. People love to get behind some loud mouth idiot who beats people up. These are the types of people who vote in America (sorry if that offends some of you). I will be voting for Obama, mostly because he is smart and charming. I know that sounds stupid in some ways. I think charming, influential people can literally sweet talk other world leaders into a new attitude (he will also start an investigation into Bush war crimes). Sure, the times we tried diplomacy in the past came with tremendous problems, but we immediately reverted back to the old war mentality. We haven’t given diplomacy a fair chance. We need an inspiring and peaceful leader with a calm demeanor, not an abrasive person who will cause more problems than ever. John McCain is an old man who doesn’t know where he’s at half the time. I don’t want another president pissing off the world because of his religious ideology.

Many American Christians despise and are fearful of atheists, but I would argue that there is much to learn from the atheistic viewpoint. I believe that atheists are more open minded than religious people in many respects. When a person learns something, they usually have to really study it before they believe it. The opposite is true of religion; you believe it first and study it later. Most religious people are religious either because their parents taught them or they just decided to be religious later in life after coming in contact with a religious group. I respect your religious views but do not judge me for having different beliefs.

I am not religious, nor an atheist. I believe there is a higher power of some sort, but I have a much different concept of what God is than is taught in tradition. I see god as the energy of life or spirit of the universe. I don’t know what God is, but I do know what I’ve experienced. When you hop on the mat with an Aikido master and are thrown ten feet, you feel the power of God. That harnessed energy (ki, chi or prana), doesn’t come from that person, it comes from the power of the universe or God. It is in us and all around us. After practicing Yoga and martial arts all my life, I am certain that there is something - an unfathomable power we all possess. This is far beyond the scope of this article but wanted to share some of my views.

What separates many eastern religions from western is the cultivation of ki or qi (vital energy or life force) which is developed through yoga and breathing exercises. Contrary to popular belief, yoga is religion. It is part of Hinduism. If you practice yoga or the law of attraction, you are practicing aspects of Hinduism. Basically, it is exercise for your spirit or soul. I do not believe that God lives in the clouds or in the kingdom of heaven. I do not believe bad people burn in hell for all of eternity after they die - that is superstition in my opinion.

I am more agnostic than anything. You can believe whatever you want, but I just don’t know the ultimate truth - neither do you (even if you believe you do). I recently got in an argument in the middle of an Aikido class. This Christian guy refused to practice ki breathing techniques because ki is not mentioned in the bible. He told me that ki was the devil’s working…hahaha! I told him that ki is as real and natural as anything you can touch, see or smell. He literally plugged his ears and loudly hummed so he could not hear (unbelievably, he is a 36 year old doctor). We had to remove him from the class for disrupting us. He allowed his religious beliefs to prevent him from learning the most important aspects of martial arts training. I couldn’t believe how close-minded and childish he was.

I recommend all world leaders (and you) to read a fantastic book:

It is “Aikido In Everyday Life - Giving in to get your way”. This book explains how to achieve the peaceful resolution of conflict in every situation - the art of intelligence. I challenge you to read it. It is possible to win by losing or giving in, something above the heads of most western thought. By pulling out of the Iraq war does not declare that we lost - which is the dumbed down thinking of many people. Is requiring a leader to have intelligence too much to ask? This is one reason I am voting for Obama, he exemplifies this idea and the world has yet to implement such wisdom. When I hear someone brag about how tough they are, I am unimpressed (which is how Hillary defines herself). Yes, I think of Obama as being on a higher level of intellect than all the other current candidates. He is not perfect, but is the best of the available choices. I could care less what religion a president practices. I wish people weren’t so close-minded. I live in a country where an atheist will never be elected, which is ridiculous - something to think about.

He who will not apply new remedies must expect old evils

-Francis Bacon

My martial arts background: The first art I ever learned was Moo Duk Kwan (which means school of martial virtue, an old school variation of modern Tae Kwon Do, the Korean martial art many people are familiar with). Luckily for me, I had a fantastic teacher, Dr. Donald Green. He taught me that compassion was much more important than hurting people. He was very philosophical, and amazingly so considering his incredible and smart fighting style. I spent nine years studying Hapkido (a Korean art of joint locks, throwing and striking), and have been involved in boxing, freestyle jujitsu and Aikido ever since. I have learned to not get mad and to treat others with kindness and love through martial arts. Whatever path you choose in life, may it be one of peace and love:)

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Posted in: philosophy, politics, thought, world peace | 26 Comments »

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Apr 22

It never ceases to amaze me how companies make millions selling bogus products that do not work. In the early 70’s, a product called a solar clothes drier made a company millions upon millions. It consisted of a string and directions which read: Tie between two trees and hang your clothes on it while the sun is shining. Then you had that ridiculous million dollar idea, The Pet Rock, which was a stupid rock in a cardboard home. They made truckloads of cash.

Nowadays, one of the easiest ways to rip people off is selling them fraudulence in the area of “homeopathic” remedies. Just remember this, if it is labeled homeopathic, it doesn’t work. Homeopathic means it is modern day snake oil, or Corinthian leather. It means it contains nothing, or something in such small diluted amounts that it costs nothing to manufacture.

Here’s an example of what homeopathy is:

Salt causes you to retain water, which could be construed as a cure for dehydration by an evil marketer trying to sell you a bogus remedy. To make it into a magical remedy, you dilute the salt into water - not just once, but anywhere from a hundred to thousands of times. It becomes a sodium solution labeled “1000x”. The more times it’s diluted the more powerful it is…hahaha! Then, by harnessing imaginary resonant vibrations, it becomes a cure for water retention! That’s right, the opposite of what it normally did before it was diluted. If poison ivy makes you itch, then dilute poison ivy 1000x and it now cures the itch instead of causing it. It’s actually more complicated than that but you get the idea. In other words, it doesn’t work. It is a blatant marketing scam with extremely low overhead. One poison ivy leaf could make a million bottles of itch tonic.

Head On

The king of this type of product is one you may have seen advertised on TV called “Head On”, a waxy grease stick that you rub on your forehead to cure headaches. Please don’t waste your money on any of these deceptive products. On the other hand, the company who made this (Miralus Healthcare) are marketing geniuses. The words “head on” are repeated three times very loudly in a brainwashing fashion much like the word terrorism is repeated ad nauseam on the US daily news. This is an unforgettable commercial. Brainwashing is a fantastic marketing tool. It has been used successfully by people such as Adolf Hitler and president George W. Bush.

Miralus Healthcare made millions selling this fake Headache cure

My Ingenious Start up

To prey upon people’s fears of the supernatural, I want to market a special anti-ghost salt. Based on ancient folklore - salt has long been used to protect homes from ghosts, ghouls, demons and evil spirits. Just look at how many people bought a Ouija Board to contact spirits - an ingenious marketing plan indeed.

Unlike Kosher salt, Spirit Salt is blessed. $24.95 per box

I thought up a TV commercial for my product: Show a terrified little girl crying and shivering in fear. She screams, “Mommy, daddy, there’s a monster in my room. Please save me.”

The mom sprinkles “Spirit Salt” in her door way and window sill. The little girl goes to sleep with a smile on her face - protected from monsters. A priest pops up and says, “Don’t live in fear any longer. If you love your children, protect them from evil with Spirit Salt! Let your kids know you really care. Revellian’s Spirit Salt, don’t let the goblins get ya!”

You place it on the bottom shelves in grocery stores so frightened children will see it and beg. Make the parents feel guilty for not buying it. Also, the kids will think their parents don’t care about them if they don’t purchase it - pure brainwashing perfection. So, do I have a million dollar idea? I’m looking for investors, please contact me immediately if you have start up capital.

* The Head On picture is from Byrdhouse HeadOn: Apply Directly To The Forehead
* The Pet Rock picture is from Eikongraphica Why Sylvia Sucks

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