Invisiclues for Andrew Plotkin's 'So Far'

written by Lucian Smith.

So, you're playing 'So Far' and are stuck, but don't want to read the walkthrough. You're in luck! From this page, you can get to hints in the style of Infocom's old Invisiclues, which will give cryptic hints at the beginning, and gradually push you closer to the solution as you progress, until outright instructions are reached at the end.

I've tried to perpetuate the style of the original Invisiclues in two other ways, as well. First, don't believe every question you read. Many of them are thrown in to keep you from getting too much information by simply reading through the questions. Second, since it used to take some actual effort to scrape a pen across a piece of paper to make the clues appear, I have not included links to all of the answers. A link exists from this page to the list of questions for each section of the game, and from each question to the first hint for that question. From there, you must enter the location of further hints by hand. Usually, this simply involves incrementing the number of the hint by one. For example, if you clicked on a link to 'theatre101.html', the next clue would be located at 'theatre102.html', the next at 'theatre103.html', and so on. I apologize somewhat if this is particularly difficult to do on your browser/platform, but consider it effort well spent--the hope is that while you are busy typing in the address of the next clue, the clue you have just read is percolating around in your head, giving you new ideas about what to try in the game, so that you give up typing in the address, and go back to playing the game.

There is another way to read the hints, but you must have finished the game first to use it. To go there, enter as a link the name of the time Andrew says (in the afterword) that the dinosaurs disappeared. For example, if he said they disappeared 5 billion years ago, the link would be 5.billion.years.html From there you can read through all the hints (including the fake ones) at your leisure, as well as join the discussion I'm trying to facilitate about So Far.

A final disclaimer: The names I have given the regions below should be fairly obvious, but are not actually from the game. If you think they're dumb, blame me, not Andrew. Likewise, all the clues were written by me, with no help from Andrew. Mistakes are solely my responsibility. Feel free to e-mail me any comments you might have about either the game or this page.


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Below is a random number that has a little to do with how many other people have read this page, and a lot more to do with how many times I've checked this page to look at the following number:

This line last updated September 9th, 1996 AD