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Welcome to the Bahá’í Media Bank, a free interactive online service operated and owned by the Bahá’í International Community.

Here you will find photos of the Bahá’í community, historical figures, events and activities, houses of worship, and holy places.  Simply create an account and log in to download up to 20 images at a time.  You can browse the entire site without logging in.  Click on Help for more details on how to use the site.

All of the images are available for download without charge and are intended for non-commercial purposes only.  Terms of Use will tell you more.

General Information
The Bahá'ís
The home page of the Bahá'í International Community Web site.
Bahá'í Topics
Concise summaries of Bahá'í history and belief, and information about the worldwide Bahá'í community.
The Life of Bahá’u’lláh
A photographic narrative about the life of the founder of the Bahá’í Faith.
Writings of Bahá’u’lláh and a history of His life, His teachings, His station.
Bahá'í Reference Library
The Bahá'í sacred writings available online.
Bahá'í Statement Library
Statements issued by the United Nations office of the Bahá'í International Community.
Bahá'í Media Bank
Photographs available for downloading.
Bahá'í World News Service
News from around the globe.
One Country
The quarterly newsletter of the Bahá'í International Community, with in-depth features, book reviews and commentary.
Bahá'ís of Iran
News reports on the persecution of Bahá'ís by the government of Iran.
Bahá'ís of Egypt
Updates on human rights abuses suffered by Bahá'ís in Egypt.