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Some people make faith seem unattainable. It’s not. Do you know what I love best about God? He’s not hard to find. The Bible says that when we seek him that we’ll find him because he’s not far away. It’s because He’s looking for you and me as well.

In the Bible there some people were hanging around just living their life when Jesus Christ came their way. One person was Matthew. He was a tax collector, a man who had a lot of money, but few friends because of his profession. Two others were Simon and Andrew, two brothers. They weren’t superstars. Just guys who fished for a living. Another was a woman lying in the dust while her accusers stood around with rocks in their hands, ready to stone her because of her sin.

Another was Nicodemus, a religious guy who wanted more than just church and tradition.

In each of these meetings, Christ turned their world upside down.

How? Good question.

He saw purpose in Matthew. He viewed greatness in Simon and faithfulness in Andrew. He looked at a heart searching for true love in the woman. He saw loyalty and courage in Nicodemus. He issued a powerful invitation: Follow me.

Each of these ordinary people did just that. They began a spiritual and personal journey of walking in the dust prints of the Rabbi, the Messiah–Jesus. What they learned along the way is that Christ loved them, that their life mattered, that the passions they once pursued meant little compared to the passion found in knowing God.

Matthew went on to write a gospel that is still impacting lives today. Another had his name changed to Peter–the Rock! It took some time, but he discovered that the name change was a good fit. The woman discovered the meaning of real love — commitment, faithfulness, self-worth, value. It was a passion that she carried to the end of her days.

Nicodemus stood up to the powerful religious rulers of the day in a crucial time for Christ. He had discovered there was more than just the trappings of church and committees and law. You see, his heart was changed.

That’s the way that it works. You don’t have to change who you just to know him — because knowing him changes you to the person you were always meant to be.

You don’t have to figure it all out to follow him — because when you follow him you learn so much more than you expected.

Follow me.

This was his invitation. Then, and now. 

Will it be easy? No one is promising easy. I’ve walked with God for a long time. I’m running after him now because I can’t imagine not knowing God.

No. Not always easy, but a life of destiny? Yes.

Life changing. Yes.

Purpose? Absolutely.

Is that what you are looking for? Let him know. Talk to God and let him know that you believe that he is real or at least on a journey to discover who he is. Ask him to be a part of your life.

He’s been waiting for you.

Suzie Eller

T. Suzanne Eller

Believing that God redeems our life stories, Suzanne teaches you how to give every chapter of your life to a relevant and life-changing Savior.

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