Subscribe to Print Edition | Fri., May 16, 2008 Iyyar 11, 5768 | | Israel Time: 10:07 (EST+7)
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Posted: May 30, 2007

What To Read


Democratic hold on Jewish vote could slip

Republicans say Sen. McCain may be uniquely suited as their party's nominee to draw Jewish support, according to the WSJ. Here is more:

Republicans are betting that, voting records aside, they can foster doubts about how firmly an Obama administration would back Israel against its enemies. On the campaign trail, Sen. McCain routinely has said that as president, he will be the "worst nightmare" of Hamas, a militant Palestinian organization that he has attempted to link to Sen. Obama. "A spokesperson from Hamas said that he approves of Sen. Obama's candidacy," Sen. McCain said May 9, referring to top Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef's statement of support for Sen. Obama.

The no-debate on Hamas

How to deal with groups like Hamas should be an important debate in the coming U.S. election, writes Joe Klein. But it will not be:

It was taken off the table in the past few weeks. First, John McCain allowed his campaign to spread the word that Barack Obama had been "endorsed" by a leader of Hamas. That will be one of McCain's main lines of attack: Obama is soft on terrorism. He wants to negotiate with Iran. He has advisers like Zbigniew Brzezinski who have been "anti-Israel" in the past; the wantonly accommodating spirit of Jimmy Carter looms heavy over Obama's candidacy. Such accusations subtly reinforce the most scurrilous smears circulating about Obama ? that he's a Muslim Manchurian Candidate, a secret agent sent to do us in.


J Street does not represent American Jews

James Kirchick of TNR does not appreciate the new J Street lobby. Read it in full here, or just this paragraph:

the real gap, it turns out, is between the miniscule group of writers and activists involved with J Street and the majority of American Jews. It's true that American Jews are overwhelmingly liberal on most issues; the problem for J Street is that Israel simply isn't one of those issues. According to the same AJC survey cited by J Street supporters, nearly three-quarters of American Jews do not believe that Israel can "achieve peace with a Hamas-led, Palestinian government," as J Street's founder advocates. What's more, 55 percent believe that negotiations between Olmert and Abbas "cannot lead to peace in the foreseeable future." And a whopping 82 percent agree with the following statement: "The goal of the Arabs is not the return of occupied territories but rather the destruction of Israel." None of this should be particularly surprising. After all, holding liberal views on issues like taxes and gay marriage--or even issues like the Iraq war and terrorism--is not mutually exclusive with favoring a tough line on Hamas.


Not winning the war on terror

Just 39% of American voters now believe the U.S. and its allies are winning the War on Terror. A new Rasmussen Reports survey concluded that:

By a 69% to 14% margin, Republicans believe the U.S. and its allies are winning the War on Terror. Democrats are evenly divided on the question. Among unaffiliated voters, 21% say the U.S. and its allies are winning while 34% say the terrorists have the advantage.

A separate survey found that Americans now trust Democrats more than Republicans when it comes to issues of national security. Another survey has found that the number of people who consider themselves Democrats has grown to record levels.

Just 24% now expect the situation in Iraq to get better in the next six months while (39%) hold the opposite view and believe the situation will get worse. That's the second straight month that a plurality has expected things to get worse. Prior to April, a plurality had held the more optimistic view for six consecutive months.

Just 28% of Likely Voters now say history will deem the U.S. mission in Iraq a success. That's down four points from a month ago, six points over the past two months, and is the first time fewer than 30% have been optimistic on this point since last August. Most Americans?52%--now say history will judge the U.S. mission in Iraq to be a failure.

Troubling? Maybe, but not for a president that does not appreciate "much rather be judged by the latest Gallup poll than making the necessary decisions to keep the peace, to do the hard things now to confront the realities of the world in order to make sure our children grow up in peace".

The global vision of Adelson

An article about Sheldon Adelson, "a huge--and mostly behind-the-scenes--financial angel for Republican, pro-business, and pro-Israel causes", was published in the National Journal:

the 74-year-old casino titan, who is Jewish, appears to have set his sights on projects in Washington, China, and Israel that meet his ideological and political litmus tests, and that sometimes intersect tightly with his business interests. Adelson has also been a leading patron to medical and humanitarian organizations.

Well known for his staunchly anti-union views and his close links to the Israeli Right, including Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu, Adelson is, by many accounts, a hard-charging dynamo. He likes to immerse himself in the details of the many causes he champions while assiduously avoiding the limelight.

Adelson's philanthropic and business projects are far-reaching, Weidner says, and they keep both men plenty busy. Weidner often pinch-hits for Adelson on big projects. But Adelson "likes to be engaged," Weidner says. "His vision is a global vision. Sheldon has dozens and dozens of things [going on]. We have a tag team in certain aspects."

By the way, Adelson will be flying to Israel with President Bush.


Obama: Jewish state is a fundamentally just idea

Barak Obama was speaking to Jeffrey Goldberg about Zionism Israel. The timing can not be better, since in some quarters, the NYT piece about Obama's early contacts with Palestinian activists is already used against him.

Here is a paragraph from the NYT (but in order to understand the context one should read it all):

For years, the Obamas had been regular dinner guests at the Hyde Park home of Rashid Khalidi, a Middle East scholar at the University of Chicago and an adviser to the Palestinian delegation to the 1990s peace talks. Mr. Khalidi said the talk would often turn to the Middle East, and he talked with Mr. Obama about issues like living conditions in the occupied territories. In 2000, the Khalidis held a fund-raiser for Mr. Obama during his Congressional campaign. Both Mr. Khalidi and Mr. Abunimah, of the Electronic Intifada, said Mr. Obama had spoken at the fund-raiser and had called for the United States to adopt a more "evenhanded approach" to the Palestinian-Israel conflict.

Still, Mr. Khalidi said ascertaining Mr. Obama's precise position was often difficult. "You may come away thinking, 'Wow, he agrees with me,'" he said. "But later, when you get home and think about it, you are not sure."

A.J. Wolf, a Hyde Park rabbi who is a friend of Mr. Obama's and has often invited Mr. Khalidi to speak at his synagogue, said Mr. Obama had disappointed him by not being more assertive about the need for both Israel and the Palestinians to move toward peace. "He's played all those notes right for the Israel lobby," said Mr. Wolf, who is sometimes critical of Israel.

Here is a couple from the interview with Goldberg:

I think that the idea of a secure Jewish state is a fundamentally just idea, and a necessary idea, given not only world history but the active existence of anti-Semitism, the potential vulnerability that the Jewish people could still experience. I know that that there are those who would argue that in some ways America has become a safe refuge for the Jewish people, but if you've gone through the Holocaust, then that does not offer the same sense of confidence and security as the idea that the Jewish people can take care of themselves no matter what happens. That makes it a fundamentally just idea.

That does not mean that I would agree with every action of the state of Israel, because it's a government and it has politicians, and as a politician myself I am deeply mindful that we are imperfect creatures and don't always act with justice uppermost on our minds. But the fundamental premise of Israel and the need to preserve a Jewish state that is secure is, I think, a just idea and one that should be supported here in the United States and around the world.

The Republican Jewish Coalition did not like this interview (hard to imagine an interview with Obama they will like). Here is why:

"Once again, Senator Obama demonstrates his questionable grasp of America's foreign policy. Senator Obama manages to excuse the inexcusable actions of anti-American militant jihadists by putting the blame for their actions on America's foreign policy. America stands with Israel because it is one of our strongest allies and the only democracy in the Middle East. Senator Obama naively believes that solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will solve the global scourge of radical Islamic extremism. Yet Senator Obama never says how he will reign in Hamas' daily onslaught on Israel or Iran's scurrilous condemnations of Israel. Is it any wonder Hamas has endorsed him for president?"

In his interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, Sen. Obama described the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as 'this constant wound.' Sen. Obama said 'that this constant sore, does infect all of [America's] foreign policy. The lack of a resolution to this problem provides an excuse for anti-American militant jihadists to engage in inexcusable actions.'

Can Israel Survive for Another 60 Years?

Christopher Hitchens has an answer - apparently, not the one Obama would like to hear:

In many visits to the so-called Holy Land, I have never quite been able to imagine that a Jewish state in Palestine will still be in existence a hundred years from now. A state for Jews, possibly. But a Jewish state...

Hitchens says this:

Zionism has only replaced and repositioned the question of anti-Semitism. For me, the Israeli family is not the alternative to the diaspora. It is part of the diaspora. To speak roughly, there are three groups of 6 million Jews. The first 6 million live in what the Zionist movement used to call Palestine. The second 6 million live in the United States. The third 6 million are distributed mainly among Russia, France, Britain, and Argentina. Only the first group lives daily in range of missiles that can be (and are) launched by people who hate Jews. Well, irony is supposed to be a Jewish specialty.


Gaza is not occupied by Israel

If you did not have time to read the WPost Saturday, you missed this interesting article by David Rivkin and Lee Casey:

Israel, however, is not an occupying power, judging by traditional international legal tests. Although such tests have been articulated in various ways over time, they all boil down to this question: Does a state exercise effective governmental authority -- if only on a de facto basis -- over the territory? As early as 1899, the Hague Convention on the Laws and Customs of War on Land stated that "[t]erritory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation applies only to the territory where such authority is established, and in a position to assert itself."

Is it good for Obama to be popular abroad?

A couple of weeks ago I wrote in Slate an article asking Does international enthusiasm for Obama hurt him?

If Americans expect world opinion to become pro-American if Obama wins, they will be disappointed. Opinion polls, especially in Europe, proved way before 9/11 that the world has a low opinion of America's culture and values and that frustration with its world domination is a cause for hostility. If, on the other hand, Americans perceive Obama as someone who will act to appease world opinion, they might become angry.

I found some signs that the debate over Obama abroad is picking up, following the exchange between him and McCain regarding the support he gets from Hamas.

Daniel Larison thinks that:

I have never understood the enthusiasm of Obama boosters to stress his background and biography as selling points or talk about how enthusiastically Muslims around the world will respond to his election. You begin to see how this sort of thing backfires on Obama when McCain or his supporters can say, accurately if rather demagogically, that Hamas wants Obama to win - there's some enthusiasm from overseas that Obama could do without. This is why there should never have been an emphasis on whether or how many foreign nations would cheer an Obama win - there may be nations whose endorsement that might be politically damaging that you don't want, but once you go down the road of touting popularity abroad you take on the undesirable supporters with the rest.

Andrew Sullivan finds it depressing:

If Obama's biography and appeal affect global opinion and therefore foreign policy, the subject should be on the table - as a weapon in pursuit of national self-interest. If we cannot have a debate in a democracy about this impact without fostering xenophobia, ignorance and fear, then democracy cannot work.


Rob Malley will not advise Obama

He is not an advisor now, reported the Times:

Robert Malley told The Times that he had been in regular contact with Hamas, which controls Gaza and is listed by the US State Department as a terrorist organisation. Such talks, he stressed, were related to his work for a conflict resolution think-tank and had no connection with his position on Mr Obama's Middle East advisory council.

"I've never hidden the fact that in my job with the International Crisis Group I meet all kinds of people," he added.

Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for Mr Obama, responded swiftly: "Rob Malley has, like hundreds of other experts, provided informal advice to the campaign in the past. He has no formal role in the campaign and he will not play any role in the future.? The rapid departure of Mr Malley followed 48 hours of heated clashes between John McCain, the Republican nominee-elect, and Mr Obama over Middle East policy.

And here you can see Obama speaking about 60 to Israel. He was a guest at the Washington Embassy reception.

Fighting Iran

What are we going to do about Iran?

Here is one option - start in Iraq:

In the time remaining to it, the Bush administration should do all it can to reinforce this Shiite dissent and outrage. The surge aside, it is the most effective vehicle for checking Iran in Iraq and stabilizing Iraqi politics. The U.S. government should broadcast as loudly as possible any and all information showing Tehran's complicity in the death of Iraqi Shiites. If the United States can again arrest members of the Revolutionary Guards Corps inside Iraq, it should do so, interrogate them rigorously, and make the information public. The tide may have turned for good against Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, with potentially huge ramifications for hearts and minds throughout the Sunni Arab world. The clerics in Tehran could be dealt out of the inner circles of Iraqi Shia politics. With continued progress in Iraq, the next administration would be in a position to turn its full attention to thwarting Iran elsewhere in the region--and to preventing the mullahs from acquiring nuclear weapons.


Who's pushing the US to war with Iran

Here's David Ignatius' authoritative column:

The risk of a U.S.-Iranian confrontation is growing in part because Saudi Arabia and other U.S. allies in the Middle East are so eager for it. "Behind closed doors, we are praying that the Iranians will make a mistake so that you will have a reason to attack," one Saudi told me this week. Another prominent Arab official said he hopes the U.S. will strike Iranian training camps just over the border from Iraq.

Obama on Independence Day

Does Obama have a problem with Jewish voters? My take of a new poll is here. Whether you agree or not, you can not blame him for not making an effort. Here is Obama on Israel's Independence Day:

While threats to its existence have endured, Israelis have built their nation into a strong, vibrant democracy, with a prosperous economy, a rich cultural life, and a deep friendship with the United States that benefits both our peoples in so many ways. Even in hard times, Israelis have so much to be proud of. As the Jewish State continues to grow and prosper, the United States will always stand with Israel to ensure it can defend itself against threat of terrorism and violence, from as close as Gaza and as far as Tehran. We must never waver in our unshakeable commitment help Israel achieve its goal of true security through lasting peace with its neighbors.

And here is S.V. Dáte of TNR on Obama and the Jews.

Jewish voters made up three percent of the national electorate in 2004, with their numbers concentrated in a handful of states where they constitute significant voting blocs. The states that have the highest Jewish populations, however, also tend to be reliably Democratic. Which means that even if McCain and the Republicans could somehow pry away most of the Jewish vote in New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and California (or if a lot of Jews were to decide to sit this election out), it's likely that those states would nevertheless deliver their electoral votes to an Obama ticket. And most swing states, such as Ohio and Missouri, have too few Jewish voters to make much of a difference either way. Which, naturally enough, brings it all back to Florida.

Olmert, where to find the news

While Israeli media can not say much about the legal issues involving Prime Minister Olmert, one can read a lot in other places:

Here is The Forward.

The New York Jewish Week.

The New York Sun.


So much to read, so little time.

Israel's birthday

Here is Richard Holbrooke in the Post:

Israel was going to come into existence whether or not Washington recognized it. But without American support from the very beginning, Israel's survival would have been at even greater risk. Even if European Jewry had not just emerged from the horrors of World War II, it would have been an unthinkable act of abandonment by the United States. Truman's decision, although opposed by almost the entire foreign policy establishment, was the right one -- and despite complicated consequences that continue to this day, it is a decision all Americans should recognize and admire.

How Should We Pray for Israel on Her 60th Anniversary? Ari Kelman has an answer:

As you might expect, the contents of the prayer differ from prayerbook to prayerbook. Each of the four major American denominations has its own version of the prayer, and organizations and publications like Rabbis for Human Rights and Tikkun magazine have penned and published their own versions of the prayer to suit each of their respective relationships with Israel. Some might be considered revisions; others are totally new creations.

What Muslims really think?

Rob Satloff discusses polling in the Arab world, and the book Who Speaks for Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think

Evidently, he does not think this is a valuable book:

More than half the book is an effort to distinguish the 7 percent of extremist Muslims from the "9 out of 10," as they say, who are moderates and then to focus our collective efforts on reaching out to the fringe element. With remarkable exactitude, they argue: "If the 7 percent (91 million) of the politically radicalized continue to feel politically dominated, occupied and disrespected, the West will have little, if any, chance of changing their minds." There is no need to worry about the 93 percent because, as Esposito and Mogahed have already argued, they are just like us.

And then there is the more fundamental fraud of using the 9/11 question as the measure of "who is a radical." Amazing as it sounds, according to Esposito and Mogahed, the proper term for a Muslim who hates America, wants to impose Sharia law, supports suicide bombing, and opposes equal rights for women but does not "completely" justify 9/11 is... "moderate."

Bar Mitzva mania

Ruth Marcus has a funny Bat Mitzva story to tell in the Post. I know what she is talking about, since my Bar Mitzva, some 27 years ago, was on the same Shabbat.

Emma chanted beautifully, from a portion that the ancient rabbis said contains the essence of the Torah: Love your neighbor as yourself.

To the attention of Marcus' daughter: It also contains: respect your parents.

  1.   (iran) LIER ROSNER EXPOSES TRUTH ABOUT REAL HAARETZ 19:47  |  jackal 18/01/08
  2.   no.126...BOB 01:12  |  Raad 19/01/08
  3.   no. 126....Bob (2) 01:23  |  Raad 19/01/08
  4.   Ali Khamenei 19:44  |  Jean-Paul DOGUET 19/01/08
  5.   #137,who is the Boss? 06:23  |  Michael 20/01/08
  6.   cultist Iranian leaders 09:43  |  amazed american 20/01/08
  7.   Raad #118 12:45  |  bbl 20/01/08
  8.   Sigler 16:33  |  JK 20/01/08
  9.   Propaganda works wonders Meadow Soprano 20:28  |  The Other Alan 20/01/08
  10.   I protest, because everybody unemployed in Gaza, but gravediggers 06:50  |  Yaakov Sullivan 21/01/08
  11.   About Obama 10:45  |  Colin Wright 21/01/08
  12.   #38pablo as usual looking in wrong direction 14:03  |  v hardman 21/01/08
  13.   This Obama nitpicking is getting asinine 19:01  |  Richter 21/01/08
  14.   A vote for Clinton is a vote for Obama as VP=Obama was raised 21:56  |  RADICAL MUSLIM 21/01/08
  15.   Obama, Brzezinski and other anti-Israel ties 00:25  |  RSK 22/01/08
  16.   brod..........I agree!!! 01:11  |  maria 22/01/08
  17.   petra....are you really a christian? 01:14  |  maria 22/01/08
  18.   you`re right about that,leah.... 01:18  |  maria 22/01/08
  19.   steve from minneapolis...and now who`s talking! 01:21  |  maria 22/01/08
  20.   Leak of confidential AJC memo 04:15  |  Smolanit 22/01/08
  21.   Why I`m not Voting for Obama 14:07  |  Susan 22/01/08
  22.   Obama will destabilize Africa and Islamic world 14:17  |  Ex South African Rav 22/01/08
  23.   Maria are you a Jew, a democrat? 15:18  |  Petra 22/01/08
  24.   OBAMA IN THE WHITE HOUSE, WHAT A PROSPECT 16:01  |  indrajaya 22/01/08
  25.   Just for the record 19:11  |  Norm 22/01/08
  26.   Just when I thought I heard it all. . . . 19:23  |  MichaelF 22/01/08
  27.   Huckabee is PANDERING 19:50  |  Mark of Lewiston 22/01/08
  28.   2=2=4 should not be amended. all other or 23:45  |  bozhidar balkas 22/01/08
  29.   Please go back to school! 00:08  |  No more warmongering 23/01/08
  30.   SORRY indrajaya, THE WORD IS OUT ON THAT GUY 05:56  |  NO CHANCE 23/01/08
  31.   Majority of American`s prefer Constitution to reflect Bible. 06:26  |  Virginia 23/01/08
  32.   Podhoretz being a dangerous idiot. 11:28  |  Colin Wright 23/01/08
  33.   only the strong and flexible survive and prosper! 12:44  |  a wandering Jew 23/01/08
  34.   Susan #132 - Obama meeting Iranian leader 15:50  |  Smolanit 23/01/08
  35.   Voight 17:42  |  Steve 23/01/08
  36.   Giuliani still #1 among panel, but... 18:54  |  Galuteus Maximus 23/01/08
  37.   To Virginia 19:28  |  MichaelF 23/01/08
  38.   Obama`s letter 19:32  |  MichaelF 23/01/08
  39.   rudolf 9iu11ani will drag Israel into a war Israel cannot stop 19:36  |  Pablo B 23/01/08
  40.   Rosner`s Mysterious Affinity for Obama 19:37  |  Tod Zuckerman 23/01/08
  41.   Tod #152 - What are you smoking??? 21:02  |  Galuteus Maximus 23/01/08
  42.   Jon Voight knows the mantra. 21:59  |  Colin Wright 23/01/08
  43.   To Virginia: US not a theocracy 22:04  |  LisaV 23/01/08
  44.   Iranian elections are fraudulent (reply to Smolanit 146) 22:08  |  Honest 23/01/08
  45.   petra....I`m not a jew ....I`m voting for huckabee!! 22:08  |  maria 23/01/08
  46.   To Honest #156 - all elections are vetted 22:55  |  Smolanit 23/01/08
  47.   Reply to #154 ( Galuteus) 00:50  |  Tod Zuckerman 24/01/08
  48.   Hey Jon the movie`s over 01:22  |  root 4 MCaine 24/01/08
  49.   Angelina Joline was right to disown this Voight freak 01:33  |  Joe 24/01/08
  50.   OBAMA`S PANDERING 03:57  |  JH 24/01/08
  51.   lisa v from and your family came to america 16:24  |  maria 24/01/08
  52.   michael if... are you one of those who outnumbered 16:30  |  maria 24/01/08
  53.   Maria - US not a Christian nation 22:18  |  LisaV 24/01/08
  54.   No Substantive Difference 22:58  |  Mark of Lewiston 24/01/08
  55.   no wonder Angelina won`t talk to her father 23:37  |  chris 24/01/08
  56.   it may not be....lisa v.....but the usa has more christians 23:53  |  maria 24/01/08
  57.   Right to Defend 01:52  |  Jack Olson 25/01/08
  58.   Greed 11:24  |  Moose 25/01/08
  59.   Depressing 11:30  |  Outsider 25/01/08
  60.   #136,Obama Cannot Win 00:02  |  Gary 26/01/08
  61.   MichaelF @ 149, And I agree...However, 15:01  |  Virginia 26/01/08
  62.   Well then LisaV @ 156,We should have an Amendment,not necessarily 15:22  |  Virginia 26/01/08
  63.   Huckabee, God Love Him, just a wee bit scary for me. 15:53  |  Virginia 26/01/08
  64.   maria - move to a theocracy 18:31  |  LisaV 26/01/08
  65.   John McCain, the next President of the UNITED States of America!! 20:14  |  Virginia 26/01/08
  66.   Try Huckabee`s position on guns 00:52  |  W 27/01/08
  67.   that`s the for huckabee!!!!!! 01:28  |  nmf 27/01/08
  68.   Blessings to Marv and Lorraine!!! Bennett too! Aint Love GRAND!!! 12:03  |  Virginia 27/01/08
  69.   #89LDS isnt christian--- 07:28  |  ammalik 29/01/08
  70.   assasination of bhutto 07:51  |  ammalik 29/01/08
  71.   Obama, Nomination, General 14:18  |  John Isenhower 29/01/08
  72.   Huckabee would make a better President than the others, can he wi 14:26  |  John Isenhower 29/01/08
  73.   Should Hillary be made to take 2 VP apprentice terms? 14:29  |  John Isenhower 29/01/08
  74.   First muslim President! 20:16  |  Avram 29/01/08
  75.   Hillary`s Win No Surprise 19:39  |  Mark of Lewiston 30/01/08
  76.   Florida democratic primary meaningless 20:45  |  LisaV 30/01/08
  77.   To Apartheid - re USS Liberty - A CHEAP SHOT!!!!!!!! 22:14  |  Lee 30/01/08
  78.   Hey Apartheid - What about the USS Cole? 22:20  |  Lee 30/01/08
  79.   Another Good Reason to Support Obama 22:40  |  Lee 30/01/08
  80.   To Apartheid - ISRAEL ADVISED AGAINST IRAQ WAR!!!! 23:01  |  Lee 30/01/08
  81.   the clintons 23:06  |  george 30/01/08
  82.   support Israel 02:13  |  Joe Hill 31/01/08
  83.   One can only hope the Jewish vote in FL was cast as least likely 03:31  |  2 win against McCain 31/01/08
  84.   Candidates for president should be required to crawl on their 04:05  |  Apartheid 31/01/08
  85.   Apartheid -- Are you embarrassed yet? 08:24  |  bbl 31/01/08
  86.   #143 John.......that`s right 08:47  |  maria 31/01/08
  87.   #2 My friend Yosemite from Hollywood. 12:01  |  Simon 31/01/08
  88.   Blessings Simon, my prayers are with you in Kenya from Florida 14:21  |  Virginia 31/01/08
  89.   Jews should vote for Clinton 16:22  |  SR 31/01/08
  90.   Clinton, McCain, silent on Methodist divestment 23:37  |  mko 31/01/08
  91.   Women Rabbis 13:11  |  Eli 01/02/08
  92.   John McCain Loves God and Country. His Life SHOWS it. 13:21  |  Virginia 01/02/08
  93.   trust obama 18:39  |  Shmuelshachor 01/02/08
  94.   Martin Peretz - Gives Obama a Pass On Wright 19:52  |  Tod Zuckerman 01/02/08
  95.   #155 Tod, proPal endorsed Obama today 21:04  |  mko 01/02/08
  96.   If you vote Obama it is clearly not for Israel...... 22:35  |  Dave from Chicago 01/02/08
  97.   #48 Amazed American 00:33  |  Chet 02/02/08
  98.   Reply to # 157 ( MK0) 02:14  |  Tod Zuckerman 02/02/08
  99.   # 158 Dave from Chicago 13:50  |  Swiss (Dino) 02/02/08
  100.   What difference does it make if Lake is Jewish? 13:29  |  Shalom Freedman 03/02/08
  101.   The "Jewish Vote" is Over-Estimated 21:34  |  MIKE 03/02/08
  102.   Women Rabbis? There is no male or female in the Word of God 21:58  |  God is Spirit, So 03/02/08
  103.   would you like to share your country with illegal immigrants? 23:15  |  maria 03/02/08
  104.   Whatever Happens 01:49  |  Yosemite 04/02/08
  105.   165 Maria - I Already Do 02:21  |  Mark of Lewiston 04/02/08
  106.   152 MKO - They probably Don`t Read Haaretz 02:27  |  Mark of Lewiston 04/02/08
  107.   #153 Eli. How very interesting. 02:29  |  Maureen Ann 04/02/08
  108.   Jewish Identity & the Holocaust 21:17  |  CHGODMK 04/02/08
  109.   maria 22:52  |  Chaval 04/02/08
  110.   The backwards station 22:58  |  Colin Wright 04/02/08
  111.   Obama Jewish? 23:05  |  Colin Wright 04/02/08
  112.   maria 23:17  |  Chaval 04/02/08
  113.   Jewish identity and the Holocaust -- and Israel 23:20  |  Colin Wright 04/02/08
  114.   AMERICAN MUSLIMS TAKE THEM ALL BACK NOW!!!! 14:23  |  Peter The Great 05/02/08
  115.   Obama girl? 12:50  |  Julie S. 08/02/08
  116.   oBAMA hates freedom! 22:01  |  Avram 08/02/08
  117.   Avrum 02:27  |  ballistic 09/02/08
  118.   RE: Article on beards. I read the entire link to it and I think 19:44  |  Virginia 09/02/08
  119.   To Julie S. #177 -You are free to vote your conscience 18:22  |  Obama Mama 11/02/08
  120.   DENNIS ROSS, APOLOGIST FOR OPPRESSION 22:41  |  JH 13/02/08
  121.   A lot of compensation 12:58  |  Rich 14/02/08
  122.   Lantos different? 01:36  |  hollingsworth 15/02/08
  123.   Malley basically called Ross a liar, yet Ross sticks up for him? 19:58  |  McQueen 15/02/08
  124.   Clinton`s Advisors Not Much Better than Obama`s 22:28  |  Tod Zuckerman 15/02/08
  125.   Brezinzski-Carter`s Adviser 23:10  |  Brod 15/02/08
  126.   How about Putin for President of America? 00:58  |  Maureen Ann 16/02/08
  127.   Hillary`s cookies 02:03  |  Ethel 16/02/08
  128.   #Ethel. Liberated women. 05:02  |  Maureen Ann 16/02/08
  129.   what to read. 03:14  |  mika 17/02/08
  130.   Brezinski ranks amongst one of the biggest anti-Israel... 03:42  |  bat yam 17/02/08
  131.   Aside from being anti-Israel Brezinsli also presided... 03:46  |  bat yam 17/02/08
  132.   Let me get this straight 06:52  |  Joe 17/02/08
  133.   # 190 Joe 11:32  |  Gil J. Yashar 17/02/08
  134.   #184 Brod, Likewise! 21:24  |  American 17/02/08
  135.   Questions about Obama and the region 22:03  |  Al Ramy 17/02/08
  136.   Polish Papist Pablum 07:52  |  Mark of Lewiston 18/02/08
  137.   brezhizinski? 16:48  |  toitem pole 18/02/08
  138.   `Israel should stop giving fuel/food to Gaza ` 17:50  |  Colin Wright 18/02/08
  139.   Breshinski didn`t show? Gee, wonder what Obama told him? 17:54  |  bat yam 18/02/08
  140.   McCain needs Divine Intervention 06:26  |  Candida 20/02/08
  141.   Barak Obama Pro-Israeli 09:11  |  Jeff Benton 20/02/08
  142.   Personally, I`m Not Really Comfortable With Obama Presidency 09:45  |  Yosemite 20/02/08
  143.   199, Sounds very threatening, not promising. To what change do 10:37  |  you refer? 20/02/08
  144.   Obama is just squandering a LOT of money, he doesn`t stand a 10:49  |  chance. 20/02/08
  145.   Chance only half right 20:54  |  Hofikoman 20/02/08
  146.   I hope McCain can get all the votes he can 21:12  |  Ethel 20/02/08
  147.   Are zionists like some Serbian nationalist extremists? 10:02  |  John 21/02/08
  148.   to # 9 Fortuna Benmayor of Cartagena de 10:28  |  Steve the Pals. 21/02/08
  149.   Jews like Serbians 10:45  |  Ralph 21/02/08
  150.   God meet clinton 23:08  |  Avram 21/02/08
  151.   #200 - Jeff Benton 20:26  |  MichaelF 22/02/08
  152.   Raad from London 09:03  |  Amazed American 24/02/08
  153.   Israel needs to support Serbia 15:25  |  Theodor 24/02/08
  154.   Mark of Lewiston...Third Rail 16:07  |  Lynn 24/02/08
  155.   Enrichment, weaponization, delivery system Iran is almost there 16:21  |  Shalom Freedman 24/02/08
  156.   213 Lynn - The Incompetent Press & Third Rail 02:17  |  Mark of Lewiston 25/02/08
  157.   To Shalom of 214 08:37  |  Amazed American 25/02/08
  158.   Isn`t Obama running for US president? 17:47  |  Lobo08 25/02/08
  159.   #214 Say Mr. Freedman, don`t be so melodramatic! 00:09  |  ballistic 26/02/08
  160.   Good for the USA 13:55  |  William 26/02/08
  161.   Genetically-Modified Judaism 19:01  |  whoopsie 26/02/08
  162.   206. Serbia - Israel 19:20  |  whizbang 26/02/08
  163.   Jews, Catholic, Hindus 18:50  |  Susan 27/02/08
  164.   ballestic Re;"when is the last time iran attacked anybody" 18:14  |  terrornator 28/02/08
  165.   #223 Terrornator 21:11  |  ballistic 28/02/08
  166.   #218 casuistic ballistic 21:40  |  Bob 28/02/08
  167.   #221 Whizbang wet dreams 21:47  |  Bob 28/02/08
  168.   McCain and James Baker 05:06  |  Bill 29/02/08
  169.   Has Hagee gone liberal? 06:04  |  Maria 29/02/08
  170.   Chaval.....the jews came to America in the 1600 time frame. 06:18  |  Maria 29/02/08
  171.   Virginia.....why do you support McCain? 06:32  |  Maria 29/02/08
  172.   Virginia....did you know that.... 06:40  |  Maria 29/02/08
  173.   Tod Zuckerman - I am worried about the US`s SURVIVAL! 16:55  |  American 29/02/08
  174.   Obama not good for America`s foreign policy 19:36  |  Brod 29/02/08
  175.   Obama not Tough Enough 13:57  |  Pops 01/03/08
  176.   Obama loses IF he can be proved to be 16:58  |  petra 03/03/08
  177.   Zionism (secular) competes with Judaism. 19:03  |  Mona 03/03/08
  178.   Rosner`s campaign against Obama 12:01  |  dana 04/03/08
  179.   BTW Bob in Long Island 23:19  |  ballistic 04/03/08
  180.   Fred Barnes 07:49  |  Mark of Lewiston 07/03/08
  181.   Rosner`s 100% reliance upon Fred Barnes 22:46  |  Pablo B 07/03/08
  184.   241 Aviva - Try Keeping Up 06:49  |  Mark of Lewiston 09/03/08
  185.   241 Aviva - Try Keeping Up 06:51  |  Mark of Lewiston 09/03/08
  186.   H Res 951, who voted No? 05:11  |  AlanRockville 10/03/08
  187.   Attention: Tod Zimmerman 16:04  |  5000 years 10/03/08
  188.   maria #230 14:36  |  Chaval 11/03/08
  189.   Boot 23:01  |  William 12/03/08
  190.   Boot would rather Undermine or Destroy the US Military 09:21  |  Mark of Lewiston 13/03/08
  191.   Israeli behavior promotes `Anti-Semitism` 22:31  |  samos 13/03/08
  192.   "the new anti-semitism" 23:07  |  hollingsworth 13/03/08
  193.   Attacking UN... usual MO 06:54  |  betz55 14/03/08
  194.   Being anti-Zionist is like being anti-Nazi, right? 02:52  |  Angel 15/03/08
  195.   Maria about Christians 07:01  |  Denise 15/03/08
  196.   State Department 14:22  |  Steven Grumman 15/03/08
  197.   America`s Next President 14:27  |  Seggy Ryan 15/03/08
  198.   Samos, then Muslim behavior promotes "Islamophobia", correct? 20:21  |  Bob 15/03/08
  199.   betz55, the most funny thing about your rant 20:24  |  Bob 15/03/08
  200.   Angel, the descendants of the Nazis 20:29  |  Bob 15/03/08
  201.   Steve, you better tell this to the UN human rights commision 20:36  |  Bob 15/03/08
  202.   Why Seggy Ryan? It is quite interesting.. 20:42  |  Bob 15/03/08
  203.   #179 Ballistic, you claim to have some education 22:01  |  Bob 15/03/08
  204.   Maria about Christians 03:10  |  Yankeegoy 16/03/08
  205.   Obama isn`t Jewish but he is... 05:43  |  PK 16/03/08
  206.   The Jewish Singularity by Avri Barr 14:07  |  Yaacov 16/03/08
  207.   Putting the Energy Weapon back on the table 20:51  |  Pablo B 17/03/08
  208.   Hussein to Murray 04:18  |  Seymour 18/03/08
  209.   AMERICAN worried about USA?How do you like "GOD DAMN AMERICA" 09:28  |  PETER SM 18/03/08
  210.   Peter SM - I`m More Worried about Attacks on Iran 00:02  |  Mark of Lewiston 19/03/08
  211.   Did Shakespeare write Rosner`s Domain? 09:16  |  Motic 19/03/08
  212.   Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda 09:41  |  Joseph 19/03/08
  213.   Did Iraq Have Ties To Al-Qaeda? 12:05  |  Yosemite 19/03/08
  214.   Good joke 09:14  |  Clickfool 20/03/08
  215.   ha, ha, ha, ha , ha, hhahaha, 14:26  |  bibliovitz 20/03/08
  216.   Why Obama is Mean 19:26  |  Yechiel 20/03/08
  217.   the white house for whites only?NO/YES 23:28  |  ISSY HASS 20/03/08
  218.   Joseph in London - Saddam`s Bases Were a Joke 07:34  |  Mark of Lewiston 21/03/08
  219.   If Shakespeare Actually Was a Jewish Woman 07:42  |  Mark of Lewiston 21/03/08
  220.   216 Yechiel - Differing Eras 07:56  |  Mark of Lewiston 21/03/08
  221.   All Volunteer Service 12:24  |  John Isenhower 22/03/08
  222.   The Audacity of Truth 02:05  |  Mark Jeffery Koch 23/03/08
  223.   The terminus of Jewish intellectual life 05:13  |  Colin Wright 23/03/08
  224.   Frustrated expectations 23:35  |  Joe 23/03/08
  225.   Ackerman - Not Blunt Enough 17:00  |  Mark of Lewiston 24/03/08
  226.   Disaffected Dems voting for McCain--the flip side 10:32  |  ghostoflutherblisset 28/03/08
  227.   American Jews must shun the new lobby group. It isn`t pro-Israel. 18:45  |  Chaim 30/03/08
  228.   227 Chaim - Not All Pro-Israel is Likud 20:49  |  Mark of Lewiston 31/03/08
  229.   Moroccan and Israeli Approval Ratings Need Explanation 07:32  |  Mark of Lewiston 03/04/08
  230.   Obama`s ties will dismantle U.S.A. 16:46  |  judy gisler 04/04/08
  231.   230 Judy - Were You Undecided? 05:37  |  Mark of Lewiston 06/04/08
  232.   Denise....don`t make God Almighty a liar. 22:08  |  Maria 07/04/08
  233.   Yoffie vs Hagee 10:46  |  Colin Wright 08/04/08
  234.   re #147 `Are zionists like some Serbian nationalist extremists?` 10:50  |  Colin Wright 08/04/08
  235.   Mr.Yoffie just is not seeing the big picture. 03:45  |  If he was, maybe 09/04/08
  236.   Morocco is one of the few relatively moderate Muslim nations 21:50  |  Haldrik 11/04/08
  237.   Jews and Samaritans are the aborigines of Judea and Samaria 23:07  |  Hal 11/04/08
  238.   listen to Ron Paul for a change 01:22  |  kay 12/04/08
  239.   #13 Read history you empty soul.. 16:21  |  John Allen 13/04/08
  240.   #79 Lee 16:43  |  John Allen 13/04/08
  241.   Is Israel Finished ? 18:41  |  Joseph . E 13/04/08
  242.   The Road Map is evil 21:14  |  Haldrik 13/04/08
  243.   Goodbye, the World 05:30  |  vf 14/04/08
  244.   #234 Colin Wrights hypocrisy 06:22  |  gil62 14/04/08
  245.   I have the answer 06:31  |  Avi Newman 14/04/08
  246.   On Jeffrey Goldberg`s five-page article. 06:41  |  Fortuna Benmayor 14/04/08
  247.   I SURE HOPE IT`S FINISHED 21:29  |  Shahid 14/04/08
  248.   The Logan Act Problem 18:26  |  Mark of Lewiston 15/04/08
  249.   Carter`s visit to Israel illegal? 02:43  |  Pablo B 16/04/08
  250.   Re Carter and the Logan Act 03:12  |  Colin Wright 16/04/08
  251.   Re Gil #234 `Colin Wright`s hyposcrisy` 05:21  |  Colin Wright 16/04/08
  252.   ISRAEL DOES NOT WANT PEACE 12:21  |  Danier Holdcrum 16/04/08
  253.   who decides? 13:58  |  ravi 16/04/08
  254.   Protecting the Old Lady 23:27  |  gadees 17/04/08
  255.   Clinton: Massive retaliation if Israel attacked 06:22  |  Colin Wright 20/04/08
  256.   Fight Hamas, or AIPAC 00:24  |  William 22/04/08
  257.   Dave from Chicago # 96 02:48  |  American in NY 22/04/08
  258.   Lee # 77 03:54  |  American in NY 22/04/08
  259.   RESPONE AMERICAN I NY 04:11  |  TOBIA 22/04/08
  260.   Obama is a disaster waiting to happen 21:24  |  rick 22/04/08
  261.   Rosner is always the two bit hack... 06:53  |  betz55 24/04/08
  262.   #250 colin wright 13:55  |  wh 25/04/08
  263.   pat j. buchanan 22:30  |  wh 25/04/08
  264.   A fool of Israel if Israel gives Golan to that Assad 05:23  |  Hamad 26/04/08
  265.   Golan heights 02:36  |  Didde 27/04/08
  266.   syria 02:41  |  Didde 27/04/08
  267.   syria wants the 67 borders.... so ? 13:17  |  ravi 27/04/08
  268.   NIE is an Intelligence Document 22:14  |  Mark of Lewiston 30/04/08
  269.   maria ANOTHER illegal 17:14  |  Chaval 01/05/08
  270.   Should Israel remain Jewish? 14:03  |  Simon 03/05/08
  271.   Should Israel remain Jewish? 16:21  |  W 04/05/08
  272.   Haman is "He who must not be named" 16:27  |  DJStahl 04/05/08
  273.   Rather than Pis...g over who`s estimate is right.... 07:03  |  JI aka Yussef Gideon 05/05/08
  274.   Lee #77, re: U.S.S. Liberty 07:05  |  Gray 05/05/08
  275.   Danier Holdcrum 06:02  |  HISTORY 06/05/08
  276.   Danier Holdcrum 06:03  |  HISTORY part 2 06/05/08
  277.   #274 - Gray 19:10  |  MichaelF 06/05/08
  278.   What Progressives? 19:12  |  MichaelF 06/05/08
  279.   #275 - History 19:23  |  MichaelF 06/05/08
  280.   "progressives" also support, hamas, the Ayotolla, Chavez, Castro, 23:48  |  Avram 06/05/08
  281.   Michael--277 05:23  |  Jacob 07/05/08
  282.   ravi in `47 your country was part of the British Empire 07:14  |  bbl 07/05/08
  283.   I Figured Something Out 12:20  |  Yosemite 07/05/08
  284.   MichaelF: Where did you get that "information"? 14:05  |  Gray from Germany 07/05/08
  285.   Progressives & Israel 17:17  |  Sami D 08/05/08
  286.   #279 Also, Philistines have nothing to do with Palestinians 21:40  |  Bob 08/05/08
  287.   #285 Sami, you are confusing Israel and Indonesia 22:27  |  Bob 08/05/08
  288.   progressives hate Israel 23:13  |  Ami 08/05/08
  289.   Saudi Arabia is pushing America for 03:28  |  Jack 09/05/08
  290.   bbl.... wake up.... 18:51  |  ravi 10/05/08
  291.   Jews will get their war with Iran 20:42  |  John 10/05/08
  292.   lies about Obama 20:43  |  John 10/05/08
  293.   Gray in Germany 08:50  |  Gray 11/05/08
  294.   Israel and American Jews are pushing for War 16:08  |  El-Birawi 11/05/08
  295.   #294 17:46  |  T 11/05/08
  296.   PASTOR TELLS LIE #292 17:48  |  TOBIA 11/05/08
  297.   Obama and Islamist-Jihadist Trojan Horse 23:08  |  Brod 11/05/08
  298.   What to read? Why not indulge in some Zionist pap? 09:28  |  Clickfool 12/05/08
  299.   #260 Rick. I bet you`re right about Obama. I hope McCain wins. 02:45  |  Chaim 13/05/08
  300.   FINALLY the media is reporting on Obama`s Palestinian ties 02:47  |  PH 13/05/08
  301.   #297 The Trojan Horse Myth 03:32  |  Shahid 13/05/08
  302.   Very Unlikely 13:11  |  El-Birawi 13/05/08
  303.   RE: Jean-Paul DOGUET/ Ali Khamenei 19:30  |  Marion 13/05/08
  304.   Why do Jews continue to lie about Obama? 21:08  |  John 13/05/08
  305.   The Palestinians HAVE suffered more than anyone else 21:10  |  John 13/05/08
  306.   To Maria: when are Christians going to start practicing? 21:17  |  John 13/05/08
  307.   mko: Methodists are against the illegal occupation 21:23  |  John 13/05/08
  308.   Pastor Wright 21:36  |  John 13/05/08
  309.   to Bob: who doesn`t like Europeans 21:42  |  JOhn 13/05/08
  310.   John 00:55  |  Neal 14/05/08
  311.   #284 - Gary from German 19:11  |  MichaelF 14/05/08
  312.   Rosner`s blog 02:37  |  Akiva Segan 15/05/08
  313.   Unfortunately, There are Plenty of J Street Type American Jews 23:40  |  Tod Zuckerman 15/05/08

Domain's Guest
Melvin Konner
Melvin Konner is Professor of Anthropology and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology at Emory University, and the author of many books, among them, 'Unsettled: An Anthropology of the Jews.' This last book will be our main topic of discussion.
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