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Crime Alert

4 Your Protection

ID Theft Blurb
With identity theft continuing to be one of the fastest-growing crimes in America, companies are springing up to protect us -- for a fee. More

CRIME ALERT: Could Your Child Get Out Alive?
WJXT's yearlong special coverage looked at the danger to children from total strangers, relatives and family friends, and how possible predators could be lurking on the other side of a computer chat, text message or e-mail. In case you missed any of these reports or you want to share them with others, News4Jax is archiving them online. More

Crime Alert

Capturing Northeast Florida's wanted criminals is a tough task, so the local station is trying to help with the Wheel of Justice. Every Thursday morning the wheel spins and a wanted fugitive is profiled.
Faces On The Wheel
Fugitive Who Disappears With Baby Joins Wheel

Protecting Your Family

While some youngsters might think they're not posting much personal information, Channel 4 reporter Laura Mazzeo learned a startling reality -- it doesn't take much to learn who is behind the profile and where to find that person.

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