Charlotte County Schools

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Bus Stop Information
Bus Stop Information

These links will allow you to find the stops within the school district established walking distances of your home for every school serving students near your residence. Parents should click on the button that says "Bus Stop Info." Enter your home address, select the school or schools you want to check, and click on "enter". The stops, bus numbers, and times will be displayed for your home.


  • Bus stops are subject to change.
  • Stops may not be in the same location from one school year to the next.
  • These stops are based on the walk distances established by school board policy. If your residence is within the walk area for a school, but a stop exists within the established distance from your house, those stops will be displayed when you enter your address. However, this does not mean that your student may ride the school bus.
  • Stops may also be in place near your residence for schools that offer programs not available to your student. Before utilizing a stop not assigned to your local school, verify your child's eligibility to attend the school.
  • If in doubt contact your school or the Transportation Department.

f you are using a school district computer and wish to check your student's bus stop information click the button that says "District Use."

Bus Stop Information

District Use

McKinney-Vento Transportation Provision for Student in Homeless Situations
Changing schools greatly interferes with a student's academic and social development. To accomodate highly moblie students (those without permanent nightly residence) legislation was passed that requires local educational agencies to provide these students with transportation to and from their school of origin at the parent or guardians request. For more information about students in transition, please visit our Homeless Education Project page.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact the Transportation Department at (941) 575-5432 or email


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