
Links for the alumni

If you are searching for a classmate from our school this is a good place to start.

Help find an Alumni or Teacher or Staff member and make the next reunion even more memorable!

Why not send an email to an old friend now!

A message board for all of you (Ex)Manhattanites out there

The Schools of the Archdiocese of New York

Catholic New York Online

Dubois Alumni, Faculty, and Friends Online
Selection by year All members by year All members by lastname
Stats by area code Stats by zip code Stats by geographical location
Who lives in your locale Alumni count by year Who lives in your zip code area

Care to try your luck at the NY Lotto? Care to try your luck at the NY Mega?

Online Reunion Reservation Statistics
R.S.V.P. attending sorted by lastname R.S.V.P. attending sorted by year
Statistics by geographical location
Statistics by class year Statistics by geography with percentages
Summary of reunion responses

Dogpile Search



If you see "no email" next to your name, it means that either your email address was incorrect or bounced back mail all the time, assuming that you registered or contacted me.

Please remember that if you are using a free email provider such as HOTMAIL or YAHOO that these have capacity limits and if you don't check your emails the INBOXes will fill and then bounce emails.

Please check that your email addresses are correct and keep me posted when changes are made so that we can keep in touch for reunion updates.