Why Artificial Intelligence is the Key to Making Great Games

What’s the missing ingredient that prevents many developers from making better games?

Artificial intelligence techniques.

All interactive simulations are only as good as their actors, so getting their behaviors right determines the quality of your gameplay experience. Not only that, but the way you create behaviors is an important part of how well your team works together during development.

Think of AI as advanced computer science; it has hit the mainstream. Most of the good ideas that are used in software programming these days were invented a few decades ago as artificial intelligence techniques. It’s your ability to identify and apply the most recent innovations that will help you succeed at making remarkable games.

AiGameDev is all about helping you, as designers and programmers:

  • Make better behaviors from your designs

  • Reduce content creation times for actors

  • Improve the performance your game engine

  • Simplify its creation and maintenance

All you need to do is apply the right AI techniques to implement your games.

1 Comment so far ↓

#1 Ken on 03.17.08 at 12:54 am

You guys ever thought of making your own game using the techniques mentioned on this site?

Would be pretty wicked AI right there.

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Game AI Character