What is Wikio?

Wikio is an information portal with a news search engine that searches press sites and blogs.

With Wikio you can very easily create pages to follow the breaking news that interests you. Our info is continuously updated!

Wikio is a participative service: you can publish an article directly on the site or comment on an existing item.

You can also vote for an article or a group that captures your interest in order to increase its visibility on the site.

Each page offers an RSS feed that allows you to subscribe to receive the information that appears there in the reader of your choice.


publish an article

It's simple and fast:

It's simple and fast: Edit your article. Choose a title, compose the text and add an image.
Step 2: Verify your information and publish it with one click!

Step 1: Write your article

  • You want to highlight an article or publish a scoop? Publish an article on Wikio!

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    Wikio is not responsible for photos posted by its members. Members guarantee all images loaded on the site are published with the permission of the photographer, and if necessary the permission of the persons shown in the photo.

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