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Neo-Conned! Again: Hypocrisy, Lawlessness, and the Rape of Iraq
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Neo-Conned! Again: Hypocrisy, Lawlessness, and the Rape of Iraq (Hardcover)
by Joseph Cirincione (Foreword), D. Liam O'Huallachain (Editor), J. Forrest Sharpe (Editor), Scott Ritter (Introduction) "THE "WAR," OFFICIALLY designated by the U.S. government as such and inaugurated with the "decapitation" strike of March 19, 2003, was really only a change..." (more)
Key Phrases: detained petitioner, strategic influence campaign, former regime elements, Saddam Hussein, Middle East, White House (more...)
  5.0 out of 5 stars 3 customer reviews (3 customer reviews)  

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Editorial Reviews
Daniel Ellsberg, political activist, Senior Research Associate, MIT’s Center for International Studies
"These profound and challenging essays meet an urgent need for analyses to inspire resistance to a moral catastrophe."

Congressman Walter B. Jones (R-NC, 3rd District)
"A sobering look into the Iraq war."

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Product Details
  • Hardcover: 857 pages
  • Publisher: Ihs Press (December 15, 2005)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1932528059
  • ISBN-13: 978-1932528053
  • Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 6.1 x 2.7 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 2.9 pounds
  • Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars 3 customer reviews (3 customer reviews)
  • Sales Rank: #607,554 in Books (See Bestsellers in Books)
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  • In-Print Editions: Paperback  |  All Editions

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First Sentence:
THE "WAR," OFFICIALLY designated by the U.S. government as such and inaugurated with the "decapitation" strike of March 19, 2003, was really only a change of tempo in the overall war on Iraq. Read the first page
Key Phrases - Statistically Improbable Phrases (SIPs): (learn more)
detained petitioner, strategic influence campaign, former regime elements, detainee cases, detention operations, moral truisms, executive detention, comparative justice, international armed conflict, special access program, war agenda
Key Phrases - Capitalized Phrases (CAPs): (learn more)
Saddam Hussein, Middle East, White House, New York Times, Washington Post, President Bush, Abu Ghraib, Geneva Conventions, United Nations, State Department, Paul Wolfowitz, Supreme Court, National Review, Department of Defense, Saudi Arabia, Guantánamo Bay, North Korea, Associated Press, Richard Perle, Washington Times, Los Angeles Times, American Century, Donald Rumsfeld, Soviet Union, Ba'ath Party
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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars 800+pages of in your face truth, April 21, 2007
By bob turnley (birmingham,al,usa) - See all my reviews
It should seem obvious by now to any who care about truth that Zionists see America as not just the savior, supplier and sugar-daddy to Israel. Indeed, Zionists see America as the servant of Israel and in their tunnel vision they see no price too high for America to pay. That is what our controlling elites have allowed America to be reduced to. The masses have a choice: a life driven by fear or by honesty.

17 of 20 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars An Incomparable, Monumental Book, December 30, 2006
By seekerotruth "seekerotruth" (Southern California) - See all my reviews
This extraordinary book and its predecessor provide tremendous intellectual, moral, and spiritual ammunition for those of us who oppose this monstrous war in Iraq that has taken the lives of in excess of 650,000 Iraqis and thousands of Americans and others. Maurizio Blondet's essay is particularly poignant and revealing. If Edward Luttwak's words to Blondet are any indication many of the Neo-cons were seeking to have Iraq bombed "back into the Stone Age" as early as the First Gulf War. One thing most open-minded people will come away with from reading this book is that the Neo-cons are a far, far greater danger to America than any of their designated enemies.

All good people who can afford it should buy this book. They should also pick up a copy of THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT: OMISSIONS AND DISTORTIONS by David Ray Griffin. The two books complement each other quite well.

9 of 11 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Anti-War Essays Condeming the War in Iraq., August 30, 2007
The only defensible war is a war of defense.
- G. K. Chesterton.

_Neo-Conned! Again: Hypocrisy, Lawlessness, and the Rape of Iraq_, published in 2007 by Light in the Darkness Publications an imprint of IHS Press, is a sequel to the book _Neo-Conned!_ which condemns the War in Iraq from the perspective of Catholic just-war theory. This book is subtitled "The illegality and the injustice of the second Gulf War" and consists of various essays and interviews from a wide variety of perspectives. These two books are edited by D. L. O'Huallachain and J. Forrest Sharpe. The writers, thinkers, and soldiers whose essays appear in this book range from conservative and traditionalist Catholics to paleo-conservatives to left wing intellectuals. As such, the war is condemned from a wide variety of viewpoints and positions across the political spectrum. The second Gulf War has not met the criteria for a just-war according to Catholic tradition and thus is to be condemned. The reasons why this war was fought in the first place, in a country which should be of no direct concern to the United States, are varied. Obvious reasons include the presence of oil, the role of monetary policy in maintaining a strong dollar against the Euro, and political power. Another reason involves the take-over of United States foreign policy by a clique of intellectuals known as neoconservatives. Two fundamental characteristics of the neoconservative agenda (particularly as spelled out in excellent essays by Stephen Sniegoski and Claes Ryn) include a near messianic zeal for establishing global democracy (certainly not a classically conservative agenda!) and complete allegiance to the state of Israel above all things. For example, as Sniegosky shows, following the tragedy of 9/11, Bush came to be influenced by the foreign policy of the neoconservatives (allowing his original more restrained foreign policy to be superseded) and coupled with his own apocalyptic Christian beliefs came to regard the War against Iraq as necessary. In many ways then, the War against Iraq can be understood as being fought for Zionist interests. Similarly Claes Ryn concludes that the neoconservatives are the New Jacobins, and just as their ancestors unleashed a reign of terror following the French Revolution, so they have unleashed the full power of the American military. Another interesting essay by E. Michael Jones, argues (echoing the original claims of Murray Rothbard) that the so-called _National Review_ branch of "conservativism" is actually nothing more than a CIA black operation. Jones shows how though neoconservatives often appeal to ethnics and Catholics in particular, that their understanding of things is fundamentally opposed to the teachings of the Catholic church. A final essay that deserves some mention is that of David Lutz which focuses on Christian Zionism. This essay shows how Christian Zionists have abandoned the traditional just-war theory of the Roman Catholic Church. In particular, Lutz explains how Christian Zionism infiltrated Protestantism through the teachings of Darby, Scofield, and others (and that Scofield may even have been employed by the Rothschilds in their quest for global domination). Lutz shows how Christian Zionism is fundamentally opposed to the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church, and refutes the claims regarding the so-called Rapture made by some. These essays offer fascinating material which effectively shows how the "right wing" in America has been overtaken by usurpers whose policies of global democracy are anything but conservative.

The book begins with a foreword by Joseph Circincione and an introduction by Scott Ritter.

The book includes the following sections with essays by the following:

"An Exercise in Critical Thinking: Today's Sharpest Minds Tackle the War and its Context" - Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, Alexander Cockburn, Robert Fisk, Maurizio Blondet, and Noam Chomsky.

"Driving the Runaway Train: Neocons, 9/11, and Pretexts for War" - Claes G. Ryn, Stephen Sniegoski, Justin Raimondo, David W. Lutz, E. Michael Jones, Kirkpatrick Sale, Naomi Klein, and William O'Rourke.

"The Professionals Speak: Military Reactions to Operation Iraqi Freedom" - Karen Kwiatkowski, Robert Hickson, Jack Dalton, a roundtable discussion with several officers, Pablo Paredes, Karen Kwiatkowski, and Al Lorentz.

"The Professionals Speak II: The Intelligence Community and the Intelligence Debacle" - Patrick Lang and Ray McGovern.

"The Professionals Speak III: War College Professors Apply Their Expertise" - Jeffrey Record and Stephen C. Pelletiere.

"The Professionals Speak IV: A Scientist and a Diplomat" - Gordon Prather and Roger Morris.

"Defying World Order: Reactions from the Vatican and UN Perspectives" - Mark and Louise Zwick, John Burroughs and Nicole Deller, and Francis Boyle.

"Propping Up a Dying Giant: American Economic and Military Survival Tactics" - Immanuel Wallerstein and F. William Engdahl.

"One Good Scandal Deserves Another: The Snowballing of American Lawlessness" - Gabor Rona, Joseph Margulies, Amnesty International, Joseph Margulies, Jeffrey Steinberg, Jacob Weisberg, Dan Smith, and John Hutson.

"So Much for the Fourth Estate: Our Imperial Press" - Tom Engelhardt, John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton, and Sam Gardiner.

"The Other Side of the Story: Honest Men Consider the Situation of Iraq" - Ayan S. Al-Qazazz, Fr. Jean-Marie Benjamin, and Milton Viorst.

"Enduring Injustice: Iraq and the Current Political Landscape" - Donn de Grand Pre, Mark Gery, and Curtis Doebbler.

"Appendices: Perspectives on Gulf War I" - Michael Ratner and John Stauber and Shelton Rampton.

These essays and interviews include excellent material to be found nowhere else. Together with the first book _Neo-Conned!_, these two books make an important contribution to the debate over the War in Iraq from the perspective of Catholic just-war theory and a condemnation of the role of the United States in that war.

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