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100 Stories on Elections and Voting
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Obama sees opportunities in 'pivotal' Virginia

Sen. Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee, kicked off his general election campaign Thursday with stops in Virginia, signaling that he thinks he can turn the once solidly red state into a Democratic pickup come November.

Polls show Obama-McCain race tight as campaign begins

A poll of polls on Thursday showed John McCain and Barack Obama locked in a virtual dead heat as the presidential general election campaign got under way.

Obama says he's humbled by victory, confident of party unity

Sen. Barack Obama, the newly minted presumed Democratic presidential nominee, said Wednesday that it was "very humbling" to be the the first African-American to lead a major party's ticket and expressed confidence the party would unify behind him.

Obama strongly backs Israel in first speech since record win

Barack Obama has strongly backed Israel in his first foreign policy speech since becoming the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, just two days after he was accused of naivete by Republican challenger John McCain.

Steady stream of superdelegates pushed Obama over top

A steady stream of superdelegate endorsements on Tuesday pushed Sen. Barack Obama over the threshold to lay claim to the Democratic presidential nomination.

Democratic stars sweep aside opposition

The race for the Democratic nomination was one of the closest ever, with two political stars, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, sweeping aside some serious opponents.

Obama crosses historic milestone

Barack Obama has done what many just a year ago thought was impossible. He took on the most powerful family in Democratic politics and won.

Analysis: Obama makes history, pivots to general election

Barack Obama made history Tuesday night when he became the first African-American in U.S. history to clinch a major party's presidential nomination. But the Illinois senator faces several challenges as the campaign now turns to the general election -- notwithstanding a first order of business of helping to heal the wounds of a deeply divided Democratic Party.

Historic primary season comes to an end

Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama face off Tuesday in the last contests of the Democratic primary season, bringing an end to a historic race that has produced months of excitement, but still no nominee.

House whip Clyburn will support Obama, sources say

The House majority whip and the top ranking African-American in Congress is expected to endorse Sen. Barack Obama in the Democratic presidential race on Tuesday, several sources told CNN.

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