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85 Stories on Energy Policy
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McCain calls U.S. dependence on foreign oil dangerous

Sen. John McCain vowed Wednesday to break the partisan deadlock on energy policy, saying the dependence on foreign oil puts the U.S. in a "dangerous situation."

Obama slams McCain's energy policy

Sen. Barack Obama blasted Sen. John McCain's energy plans Tuesday as "gimmicks," saying his policies "will only increase our oil addiction for another four years."

CNNMoney: McCain: U.S. needs 'energy security'

The United States can no longer afford to put off serious energy reform, presumptive Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Wednesday, advocating such moves as building nuclear plants and increased offshore oil drilling.

McCain wants to lift ban on offshore drilling

Sen. John McCain on Tuesday proposed lifting the ban on offshore drilling as part of his plan to reduce dependence on foreign oil and help combat rising gas prices.

CNNMoney: Start drilling offshore, McCain says

Sen. John McCain on Tuesday will propose lifting the ban on offshore drilling as part of his plan to reduce dependence on foreign oil and help combat rising gas prices.

CNNMoney: Inflation getting 'uglier and uglier'

The cost of living rose in May as consumers were belted by energy costs, the government said Friday.

CNNMoney: Effort to tax oil profits blocked

Senate Republicans blocked a proposal Tuesday to tax the windfall profits of the largest oil companies, despite pleas by Democratic leaders to use the measure to address America's anger over $4 a gallon gasoline.

CNNMoney: Bush: Economy 'not as robust' as he wants

President Bush, responding to recent economic reports, said on Friday that "the economy is not as robust as any of us would like it."

Neighbors fight, states scramble over clean power

Curt Mann's neighbors are livid, accusing him of erecting an ugly wind turbine among their historic homes for no other reason than to show off his environmental "bling."

Clinton, Obama take on Big Oil

The Democratic presidential candidates are criss-crossing Pennsylvania this week, dropping in at gas stations and truck stops to convince voters they've got the best plan to tackle soaring gas prices and Big Oil profits.