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[edit] Relative/Absolut hybrid cursor movement engine for fps games (I need a shorter name for this...)

//Setup the input (so you can use any analog input with this code
var.InputX = Wiimote1.Dot1X // X component
var.InputXRangeStart = 0 Pixels // Smallest X value possible
var.InputXRangeEnd= 1023 Pixels //Biggest X value possible
var.InputXRangeSiz= (var.InputXRangeEnd- var.InputXRangeStart ) //calculates the size of the avaiable range
var.InputY = Wiimote1.Dot1Y  // Y component
var.InputYRangeStart = 0 Pixels // Smallest Y value possible
var.InputYRangeEnd = 767 Pixels //Biggest Y value possible
var.InputYRangeSiz= (var.InputYRangeEnd- var.InputYRangeStart ) //calculates the size of the avaiable range
var.InputEnabled=  Wiimote1.Dot1Vis //checks to see if the data is avaiable

// how much of the Y axis us destuned to "Absolute" motion, 
// more than this in either direction will go into "Relative" mode
var.RangeX=(var.InputXRangeSiz / 4) 
// how much of the Y axis us destuned to "Absolute" motion,
// more than this in either direction will go into "Relative" mode 
var.RangeY= (var.InputYRangeSiz / 4)  
var.eyesizeX= 300 Mickeys //the size of the "Absolute" X movement in DirectInput units
var.eyesizeY= 225 Mickeys //the size of the "Absolute" y movement in DirectInput units
var.edgespeedX= 30mickeys //Speed of the X axis when in "relative" mode
var.edgespeedY= 20Mickeys //Speed of the Y axis when in "relative" mode

if (var.InputEnabled)then   //if the data is avaiable process it
// X offset in relation to the relative position
var.Xloc= -MapRange(var.InputX, var.InputXRangeStart , var.InputXRangeEnd, -var.eyesizeX,var.eyesizeX)mickeys
// Y offset in relation to the relative position 
var.Yloc=  MapRange(var.InputY, var.InputYRangeStart , var.InputYRangeEnd, -var.eyesizeY,var.eyesizeY)mickeys 
 //not used anymore, returns the distance from the relative position, I choose to use the distance per axis instead
var.dist    =sqrt(sqr((var.InputXRangeSiz/2) - var.InputX)+ sqr((var.InputYRangeSiz/2)- var.InputY))

var.text= "" 
//if X is bigger than the Absolute range then process it as relative
if (   sqrt(sqr((var.InputXRangeSiz /2) - var.InputX)) > var.RangeX) then 
// change the relative position based on the direction the cursor is
var.MiddleX = var.MiddleX+ (Maprange(var.Xloc, -Var.EyeSizex,var.eyesizex, -var.edgespeedX,var.EdgeSpeedX)) 
var.text =var.text+"edging X "       //adds to  the debug thing what it is doing
//if Y is bigger than the Absolute range then process it as relative
if (   sqrt(sqr((var.InputYRangeSiz /2) - var.InputY)) > var.RangeY) then
// change the relative position based on the direction the cursor is 
var.MiddleY = var.MiddleY+ (Maprange(var.Yloc, -Var.EyeSizeY,var.eyesizeY, -var.edgespeedY,var.EdgeSpeedY))
var.text= var.text+ "edging Y "        //adds to the debug thing what it is doing

//if inside the absolute rnage then do whatever it is required
if ((sqrt(sqr(((var.InputYRangeSiz)/2) - var.InputY)) <= var.RangeY)) OR (   sqrt(sqr((var.InputXRangeSiz/2) - var.InputX)) <= var.RangeX)then

var.Text=var.Text+"local "// not much to be done, only ads to the debug thing what it is doing

debug = var.text+ Mouse.DirectInputPos
//Position the DirectInput cursor based on what it has processed
Mouse.DirectInputPos = [var.MiddleX + var.Xloc, var.MiddleY + var.Yloc] 
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