What a tangled web we weave

July 25th, 2008

Astute readers may have noticed another link category over there on the sidebar for “Social Networking.” We got your Myspace, we got your Facebook, we got your Last.fm, we got your YouTube, and plenty of other stuff, too. Go check it out and join up, if you’re so inclined, and if Roger thinks of other places to add, I’ll make sure he tosses ‘em over there too.

AVL posters in NYC

July 25th, 2008

BloodCopy.com power-user tmcDesignHaus, whom you might remember from submissions here and here, just found these posters in New York City supporting the Vampire Rights Amendment. Thanks so much for the pics and keeping an eye out for us!

Vampire attack in Bon Temps(?)

July 25th, 2008

Well, this guy claims he was attacked by vampires, anyway. I think it’s more likely he was attacked by some malt liquor, but y’all see what you think. Nothing worse than a broken gnome!

Only read this post if you listen to music

July 25th, 2008

Ha, who am I kidding? Is there really anyone who doesn’t listen to music? Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

So if you’re reading this post and you like music, how’s about heading on over to BloodCopy.com’s Last.fm group and joining it? You guys fill up the music list and show people what sort of tunes our readership likes. Roger and I are really interested to see what you come up with.

Ready? Set? Go!

Bon Temps secrets

July 24th, 2008

Although many things about my interview with Lafayette the other day stuck with me, one of them especially did. He said something about people in this town having secrets that would make vampires blush. Now, I have lived here all my life and never caught wind of anyone doing anything more unusual than the usual small-town hijinks.

So for the last couple of days I’ve been asking around to the people I see in town about whether they have ever noticed something strange about anyone living in Bon Temps. More than a couple of times, the name “Sookie Stackhouse” came up. I know of Sookie - it’s hard not to know someone in a town this size - but I have just seen her in passing and never really talked to her.

I don’t think she’s a vampire or anything, though. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen her at the store in the daytime. As far as I know, she’s just a cute girl who works at Merlottes.

Who knows? Probably it’s just idle small-town gossip.

Vampire primer

July 24th, 2008

This handy chart of vampire abilities (and disabilities) was sent in by BloodCopy.com reader Marco, who says he made it because he likes graphical aids.

We just want to say that the strengths and weaknesses of vampires are really unknown right now. Sure, there’s speculation based on literature and movies, but (perhaps understandably) the vampires aren’t being very forthcoming on what they can and can’t do. So much the better to keep them safe from the likes of the Fellowship of the Sun.

In Focus on Fangophiles

July 24th, 2008

I’m not the only one who doesn’t like the term “fangbangers”!

The interviewer asks a good question - just how does one become a vampire? And what’s the deal with trying a vampire’s blood?


July 24th, 2008

Last week we posted about a vampire/human dating site called Lovebitten.net. It didn’t take long for the nickname to show up. In the language of the post-Great Revelation world, a human who seeks a relationship with a vampire is a “fangbanger.” Trying to pick up a vampire is called “fangbanging.”

Who knows where these terms originate, but sheesh, I think it’s crass. It has echoes of other, similarly-divisive words used to show disapproval of those who are different. Disapproval of those who fraternize with the different ones. Words that drive a wedge between people. I bet the Fellowship of the Sun loves to say “fangbanger.”

Maybe there will be a drive by the pro-vampire crowd to take the word and make it their own. Rob it of the power of negative connotation.

More from the In Focus piece

July 23rd, 2008

Here are some of the interviews that In Focus did on the people at Merlottes here in Bon Temps.

Sheriff Dearborne interview

July 23rd, 2008

So I was out driving yesterday and noticed some fresh graffiti with anti-vampire slogans in several places. Here’s some footage of one of the walls I found tagged:

I asked Bon Temps Sheriff Bud Dearborne about the graffiti. He’s a good guy, and happily didn’t bring up any of my own youthful indiscretions. I wonder, though, if he’s in a little bit of denial about the local anti-vampire sentiment.