Slim Down for Summer with That's Fit

SPOGS Racing slams into WiiWare

Talk about your emotional roller coasters. We spoke just yesterday of our attempts to bring Pogs back into the public consciousness, so a brief glance at this week's WiiWare title, SPOGS Racing (1-2 players, 1,000 Wii Points), filled our hearts with glee. But just as we made bids on every eBay Pogs lot we could find we re-read the title and started praying that someone out there was willing to pay more than $23.50 for an Alf Slammer.

So, apparently, SPOGS have nothing to do with Pogs, except in the fact that they're both disc shaped and that you likely have a minimum of interest in them. So ... moving on.

Tags: spogs-racing, wiiware, wiiware-weekly

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