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Internships often lead to post-college jobs in accounting or finance

UTD finance major </strong>Maya Bouali (right) is in her fourth internship, which has narrowed her career choice. Maria Gray is her supervisor at Ericsson.
AMY CONN-GUTIERREZ/Special Contributor

During a chat at lunch or in the halls, Maya Bouali often learns that her colleagues at Ericsson Inc. once followed a similar career path: an accounting or finance internship leading to a post-college job.

Once workday starts, all work-related should be on the pay clock

I'm an hourly receptionist for a large medical practice with multiple offices. Most days I have to work at one office in the morning and another office in the afternoon.


Joyce Lain Kennedy: What to say when a friend loses a job

A friend suddenly lost his job of 18 years last week. The staff cut was a stunning blow to his pride. I'm not sure what to say to him or what to do to help. What is your recommendation?