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Also listed as: Ascariasis; Guinea worm disease; Hookworm; Loiasis; Lymphatic filariasis; Parasitic infection - roundworms; Pinworm; River blindness; Threadworm; Trichinosis; Visceral larva migrans; Whipworm

Roundworms, or nematodes, are parasites that can infect humans, usually by residing in the intestines. Several different species of worm can cause infection, and worms can range in length from 1 millimeter to 1 meter. As with other parasitic diseases, roundworm infections are more common in warm, tropical climates than in cooler, temperate areas of the world. Ascariasis (caused by the worm Ascaris lumbricoides ) is the most common roundworm infection, and affects as many as 1 billion people worldwide.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of roundworm infection include:


According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, many roundworm parasitic diseases result from a lack of appropriate personal hygiene and sanitation measures. Most roundworms or their eggs are found in the soil and can be picked up on the hands and transferred to the mouth or can enter through the skin. Different species of roundworms cause different infections.

The various roundworm infections include:

Risk Factors

The risk factors for roundworm infection include: