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Mission Statement: The Witches' Voice is a proactive educational network providing news, information services and resources for and about Pagans, Heathens, Witches and Wiccans.

Neutrality: TWV is a neutral forum open to all adherents of the various Heathen religions, Pagan, Witch, Wiccan traditions and to Solitary Practitioners who/that follow a positive code of ethics such as The Wiccan Rede or The Ring of Troth's, Nine Virtues.

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 Week of: Jul 6th. - Jul 12th.   Update: 596 Pgs. Today: 28,091   RSS Today: 3,473   STD: 302,825,193 

This Week at Witchvox...

Solitary or Coven? by Silverwolf [1,013 reads]

Solitary or Coven?One of the key choices facing pagans is the decision to be a solitary or to join a coven. Obviously a third option is to do both: you can have a practice on your own and still work with most Covens, but for many the practical answer is one of the other. As Pagans, we generally enjoy a great deal of freedom in the development of our own particular path, and one of the decisions we all face is whether we want to or even feel we need to work with others in our path. A solitary path brings complete personal freedom and the ability to truly work on a... [more]

The Nature of Black and White Magick by Gentle Deer Lion Tamer [Wvox Sponsor] [702 reads]

Let me begin with the premise that all magickal operation is identical. The energy used in "Black Magic" is the exact same energy used in "White Magic". It is not the kind of energy or the source of the energy used that separates one form of magick from another, but rather, it is the intent (the specified outcome) of the magick as programmed by the practitioner that determines the black or white aspect of the magick. These five steps include; desire, intent, alignment, ritual and expectation. Intent is the steering wheel of the magickal operation. It is the aspect of the magickal opera... [more]

Freedom of Choice: Religion or Spirituality by Whispering Woods coven [503 reads]

For many years I have walked this path constantly in search of answers to the mysteries of life. And one of the observations that stand out in my mind is how I see myself as following a spiritual path rather then a religion. But in order to validate such a statement one has to delineate between religion and spirituality. The first question of course would be, is there enough of a distinction between the two to identify them as separate paths. To my mind there is clearly a parting of the ways when it comes to religion and spirituality. There are over 400 documented relig... [more]

Also Featured This Week...
  • Oh Kathi, What a Shame You Had To Do That on Live TV. by Erin Lewin Steinberg [1,874 reads]

    This essay is about the less than quiet riot that has begun on both national and local levels when Kathi Lee made her lack of education public. I have been treated to many emails and petitions and "What do we do", questions that I feel it necessary to comment to all the boards I belong to an... [more]

  • Why Pay the Priest/ess? Revisited by Lupa [Wvox Sponsor] [590 reads]

    When my article, “Why Pay the Priestess?” (1) arrived on the front page of Witchvox, I got a good deal of feedback on it—for which I am grateful. Not everyone agreed with me, which is fine. We all have our comfort zones. However, there were a few things that were brought up that I’d like to address,... [more]

  • To Be Witch... by Rhiannon Dragonraine [728 reads]

    I am currently reading The Spiral Dance by StarHawk, and while I am only in the first couple of chapters it has already given me many things to think about. One such thing is the topic of this essay; what does it mean to be a "Witch"? The Author of this rather compelling book explains... [more]

  • A Wiccan Priestess Plans a 'Traditional' Funeral by Godiva [Wvox Sponsor] [576 reads]

    Like many Neo-Pagans and Heathens, my Mother was a Christian. Unlike many, I had her full support on my spiritual path. While my religious upbringing was relaxed and could be considered “eclectic” it certainly was not Pagan. I am documenting the preparation for my Mother’s funeral service, a... [more]

  • The Lessons of Imbolc and Pagan Parenting by Stacy Marie [728 reads]

    My son was helping me get set up for Temple Zenith’s Imbolc Sabbat. He was gathering candles and putting the altar cloth on the altar, when I was called away by his sister. Before I left to tend to her needs, I told him everything we needed for the Sabbat was in the trunk and he was free to set up a... [more]

    Recent Book Release...

    Hedge-Rider: Witches and the Underworld

    Author: Eric De Vries

    Category: Witchcraft   Level: Intermediate

    Hedgerider: Witches and the Underworld is a re-interpretation of (Hedge-) Witchery. Drawing from an extensive historical, folkloric and mythological body it re-attributes and re-defines Witchery as a Heathen Cult centred around the journey to the Underworld and contact with the Unseen. With the insights into Cosmology, Philosophy and Practice this book provides a working body of Heathen Witch-lore, designed to transform the essence of humanity in something greater through contact with our Fetch and the Underworld itself. ... Impressions: 6,752

    [Full Book Profile]  

    Last Week at Witchvox...

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    Website structure, evolution and php coding by Fritz Jung on a Macintosh G5.

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    Mail Us: The Witches' Voice Inc., P.O. Box 341018, Tampa, Florida 33694-1018 U.S.A.

    Wren's Nest News

    [11 hours, 56 mins. ago]

    Pagan Images Neither Graffiti Nor A Sign
    Source: The Register's Editorial

    Give Ryle MacPebbles credit for standing up to local officials in defense of his right of religious expression. But, also give the city of Des Moines credit for rethinking its graffiti ordinance and a... [Read More]

    WrensNest 2.0  

    July 9th.

    Mixing Poetry And Business

    July 8th.

    Teacher Suspended For 'Punishing Children Who Did Not Pray To Allah'

    Alexandria: Following In The Steps Of Cleopatra

    Ohio Town Split Over Teacher Accused Of Preaching

    Brazilian Judge: Catholic Priest's Book Denouncing Witchcraft Must Be Removed from Bookstores

    My Friendly Neighbourhood Witches

    Telling Tajiks’ Fortunes, Now Under the Table

    July 7th.

    Substitute Teacher Plans To Sue Pasco Schools Over Wizardry Claim

    Uncovering Orkney's Ring Of Brodgar’s Secrets

    Charming Tales Of Bewitched Cows

    View ALL News

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