Xbox 360 Opens Marketplace for User-Generated Content
Published: Jul. 22nd, 2008 7:52 pm
Jul. 24th, 2008 11:14 am
Can I share my home made pr0nz?
Jul. 23rd, 2008 4:46 pm
i cansee user content being enabled for Gears 2
Jul. 23rd, 2008 7:41 am
I knew I shouldn't have dropped out of computer programming haha. Seriously, though, this is going to be cool for aspiring game developers. Not that this is the right forum for this, but Everyday Shooter on the ps3 is one of my favourite games and was developed by an up-and-comer. Good stuff. Hopefully more stuff like that will come along through live.
Jul. 23rd, 2008 5:27 am
Not sure why i cant edit the original post.

Well, I don't know about ut3 but, If you watched g4's coverage of e3, it was stated during the far cry 2 demo that user generated content would be shareable over live. Shane Kim did say ms hadn't played all there cards yet so to speak. I have to say getting content for games, like maps will hopefully be different from what were talking about here.

community games requires a financial investment and is therefore, aimed at home brew developers, who want a serious foot in the door, and, not for everyone and their brother to figure out how many different versions of the human anatomy they can upload. that of course is a very good thing. Now that I think about it, perhaps they should be one and the same, That way, users can be confident of quality across the board. That is after all, the point, and another compelling reason to pay for live..
Jul. 23rd, 2008 5:24 am
Well, I don't know about ut3 but, If you watched g4's coverage of e3, it was stated during the far cry 2 demo that user generated content would be shareable over live. Shane Kim did say ms hadn't played all there cards yet so to speak. I have to say getting content for games, like maps will hopefully be different from what were talking about here.
community games requires a financial investment and is therefore, aimed at home brew developers, who want a serious foot in the door, and, not for everyone and their brother to figure out how many different versions of the human anatomy they can upload. that of course is a very good thing. Now that I think about it, perhaps they should be one and the same, That way, users can be confident of quality across the board. That is after all, the point, and anoth compelling reason to pay for live..
Jul. 23rd, 2008 2:41 am
Now its time for me to learn C# and Directx very well and start using XNA.
Jul. 22nd, 2008 8:40 pm
so why can't we share user generated maps in UT3?
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