Halo 3 Screenshots Analyzed

Wed, May 2, 2007    (1 votes) Loading ... Loading ...

Humor & Fun

VE3D posted some of the new Halo 3 media blitz and I took a look.

First I have to ask yourself: “Did I love Halo 2?”, and the answer should be “No”. Did you think Halo 2 should win any graphics awards? Gameplay awards? Level design awards?

If you answer “Yes” to anything above, you may be

South Park Cartman Retarded

But don’t beat yourself up yet. Let’s take a look at 4 of the images, fully annotated and analyzed to see if Halo 3 will be ub3r-p0wn4g3:

Halo 3 Base Analyzed Halo 3 Weapons Analyzed

Halo 3 Textures Analyzed Halo 3 Master Chief Model Analyzed

Nice… but aren’t war-torn areas suppose to look more like this?

Gears of War City Screenshot

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97 Comments For This Post

  1. R.J. Says:

    Thank god I’m not the only one that ‘doesn’t get it’.

  2. shannon mansfield Says:

    you are a dick. you have obviously used the old screenshots. mabye you get your ms dos upgraded so you can see the new rendered shot moron

  3. Riyad Kalla Says:

    If by “used the old screenshots” you mean “screenshots from the media kit released by Microsoft 2 weeks ago” then you are exactly right.

    And nice burn with the MS DOS… I read that, then promptly walked into the next room and set myself on fire.

  4. Rhunedwone Says:

    You know up until today i thought the graphics were amazing, but now that i think about it, ur right. Why do i think they are so great. I have gears of war (Best game released in my opinion) and despite that i still thought the Halo 3 graphics were better if not equal. But in truth they are nothing. Dont get me wrong i love halo 3, for its game play, but yeah graphics are a huge let down, I think i just suffered from getting too hyped up before its release that my brain fooled me into thinking it was better. Kinda like ’see only what you want to see’.

  5. Rebun Says:


    Gameplay over graphics anyday. Compared to gears of war Halo 3pwns the crap through it.

  6. Rebun again Says:

    Sorry about the double post.

    All you’ve done here is select 4 of the most blandest screenshots that bungie uploaded onto their website prior to Halo 3 being released. Ive seen a lot better in other screenshots back then. Why do you really care about graphics? Did you ever play sonic or mario? classic games that use graphics we label ‘meagre’yet have excellent gameplay, i have friends that still play it. They say simplicity is of the essence. I would rather play a fluent game using simple graphics than to play a laggy piece of junk which hurts my eyes that has the most awesome graphics seen in the world. Besides, its not like im going to stare at a brick in Xbox live commenting on the artwork, only to be rocketed/sniped by some random noob.

    I agree that some levels in Halo 2 were poorly designed, but you really shouldn’t target its sequel, especially 3 months before the game is even released.

    Want the game to look realistic? Go outside and play sport.

  7. Riyad Kalla Says:

    Rebun, you sound like a friend of mine, we ALWAYS have this debate (gameplay over graphics) and I actually agree with you.

    That is what made Halo 3 *bearable* were some fun gameplay mechanics… not fantastic ones mind you, just some decent ones.

  8. Nwerdjim Says:

    Why don’t you go purchase an HD Tv with an HDMI Cable. Then you’ll get the full effect buddy.

  9. Riyad Kalla Says:


  10. Aswqzx Says:

    Dude, Halo 3 does look good. You just are trying too hard. Play the game and you will love it and you will never care about the graphics ever agian.

  11. Waxwolfclaw Says:

    You Have To Be Shitting Me…

  12. waxwolfclaw Says:

    and also lol your calling thousands of people retards…

  13. master_fenix Says:

    i already beat halo 3 in juz 3 days of playing it and in my opinion, it was pretty easy to beat it–gears of war was a lot harder even in the “casual mode”. and oh, i was on the “normal” mode in halo 3 b-coz i knew somehow the “easy” mode will not be a challenge at all. by the way, get real, people! gears of war still has the better graphics than halo 3, but if halo fans tends to disagree–i’ll respect that. besides, we shouldn’t be comparing the graphics of halo 3 and gears b-coz both games are in a different kinds of setting: gears is more a gory-type-shooter and halo 3 was set in a future time era. but to me, gears of war is still the best shooter than halo 3.

  14. uhh Says:

    yo…. i dont think halo ever even claimed to be an amazing “looking game”. i mean anyone can agree it does look better than duck hunt…. it’s the game play that stands out and the significant x box live community…. i’m not into making games or anything and i do find a lot of your foot-notes on the layout to be relevant… but either way…. halo 3 did make millions of dollars before it was even released to the public….. so while you points hold truth…. don’t matter at all… bungie made millions.. microsoft made millions…. and millions of people play halo 3….. not quake.

  15. A Realistic Gamer Says:

    Hey, the originally writer of this article was a dork, plain and simple. He’s whining about a beta version rather than the finished product. And he’s trying to downplay the entire game, why? Everyone has different preferences for gaming and what they like. If we’re gonna name call, why don’t we actually attack the systems themselves? PS III and 360 have the best performance for graphics, meanwhile the Wii is still using N64 graphics… There, I settled it like a true nerd =) pwned everyone

  16. Jeffero Says:

    Yah well…he obviously is just a fag that looks at textures and not gameplay elements. Halo 3 made more in pre-release than Gears of War has, plus quake 2 most likely, through their entire sales history. In my opinion Halo 3 may not have the sharpest “realistic” graphics…but maybe they weren’t going for that moron! The reason the multiplayer maps look that way is because they are meant for 16 players! not your 8 gears of wars players! Twice the amount of players beats having 8 good looking guys…face it gears of war gets old in a month anyway…

  17. Jeffero Says:

    The second thing is that master-fenix is a total moron…you do realize that easy and normal modes are easier than they used to be and heroic and legendary are harder than they used to be…and Gears of War is really easy on Casual why don’t you compare heroic to insane mode on Gears…Halo 3 is more FUN…thats the difference…

  18. Rebun Says:

    Wii has pwnage graphics to whomever said it has N64 graphics.

    Jeffero i have to disagree. In my opinion Easier and Normal are about the same as Halo 2, whereas i found heroic and legendary slightly more easier than any of the games. Gears of War is still a great game, probably my 2nd favourite Xbox 360 game. And if anything, Casual on GoW is about as difficult as normal-heroic on halo.

  19. Riyad Kalla Says:

    I won’t argue with anyone that Halo 3 wasn’t a financial success, but that’s what you get when you spend a billion dollars on marketing.

    For the folks confusing suck-ass graphics with gameplay… the original “analysis” was done from a Microsoft screenshot pack that came out before the game was released, so it would have been impossible to weight the pros/cons of the gameplay versus the graphics.

    As a lot of us know, gameplay != graphics… so Halo having the suck graphics isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker. It can still be a fun game (4-player co-op can be a blast). I am not retracting a single point about the graphics being lackluster though, they are *not* fantastic. But those are two different points to argue.

    So in closing, I win.

  20. S.Agnew Says:

    You are so stupid. Gears of War sucked so much ass it was way to laggy and dependede to much on a single host of each online game. Although the graphics were stellar.

  21. Riyad Kalla Says:

    Again, an awesome evaluation mixing both multiplayer networking code with single-player gaming experience. It’s not so much comparing apples and oranges… but comparing apples and maybe a ‘67 Buick?

    Inbreeding: 1
    Ability to Reason: 0

  22. Zach Purcell Says:

    I noticed the gears of war picture was from the campaign mode whereas the Halo 3 were from multiplayer, big difference. Halo 3 maps were probably thought through ten times longer than the gears of war maps, and perfected thought the art of playing. Gears of war is fun but not for long

  23. MadCow Says:

    wow. nice logic. you complain that the wall collapsed and made a perfect ramp, yet you never mention anything about all the two person width rectangular chunks that fell from the ceiling in GoW and landed in perfect tactical positions all around rooms, then filled in the holes on the roof so no one could tell where they came from. even better are the ones that just rose out of the ground on the outdoor levels.

    and, since you seemed to be so pissy about no rubble or rocks lying on the ground despite “the war going on”, where the fuck are the rocks and rubble in the GoW picture you showed? you know, the pieces of support column that have been blown away, revealing the inner structural latticing? theres not a single piece of debris on the ground.
    no wait. there’s one. sorry, my bad. ooh, and a pile of dirt next to it very reminiscient of the one in the halo 3 pic: “the wall is broken beacsue of the war taking place…”
    Q.E.D. fag

  24. Riyad Kalla Says:

    MadCow, golf-clap for the best fanboi post so far (complete with semi-decent reasoning and not just spouting profanities)

    Unfortunately, you have proven the eastern wisdom from my picture a few posts above… so congratulations on being a giant vagina.

    ohhhhh FACE!

  25. Shadow Says:

    Wow if i havent seen that argument a million times. look graphics count for shit if the gameplay sucks, i have a 360 and still go back and play halo 1, why because the pistol is so freaking awesome! and its a very fun party game esp on my 42″ hd in the living room and the projector in the entertainment room. why do you like gears of war so much, well deny it all you want, but take away the awesome gameplay element in it and you have a shitty game and that goes for any fun game, including the halo series.

  26. Riyad Kalla Says:

    There is no argument; gameplay is paramount. But keep in mind that the post was specifically about Halo 3’s *screenshots*, which means graphics.

    If you want to talk gameplay, it’s a whole different story, just like you said. Hell… Tetris is a lot of fun ;)

  27. new Says:

    wow rhuendwone, Gears is great, yeah, but its nothing to Halo 3. Halo 3 graphics > Gears graphics. Gears is just a dark game where there is never really any very bright lights, but Halo 3 has bright lights every 3 seconds of gameplay. And , like someone else said, these are pretty old screenshots and nothing like Ahlo 3 is now.

  28. Rebun Says:

    So “new” your saying that a games graphical and interest level depends on a higher brightness level?

    Gears of War is DARK for a reason, just like The first Batman movie was dark. Lighting is a crucial element of games, but only where it affects the story not the graphics (unless its accidently over-exposed).

    Besides, the first 2 levels of GoW are set in day i believe.
    I find myself agreeing with most of the authors comments, but still not their original argument =P

  29. Rebun Says:

    Once again, sorry for the Double post.

    Take note everyone that the title says “Halo 3 Screenshots Analysed” posted approximatly 4-5 months before the release of Halo 3. It is now November, Halo 3’s been and gone, so lets go fight about some other game.

    …Mario Galaxy perhaps?

  30. Riyad Kalla Says:

    Mario Galaxy Screenshots Analyzed? :D

    Well we just wrapped up a in depth Time Crisis 4 review, I’m hoping to get CoD4 in and put that beast to rest and am working my way through Assassins Creed.

    Summary of Assassin’s Creed: If you can play games slowly, like Splinter Cell (note: not stealth, just slower pace) Assassin’s Creed is phenomenal.

    If you are addicted to FPSs and want instant/constant action, skip Assassin’s Creed.

    But the review will be more in depth than that.

  31. MadMax Says:

    No….I win pwn you all =)
    Halo 3 kicks arse and who would have the time to pick out such small things like that? Besides it would have been much eaiser to pick out bad points on GoW than H3 =)

  32. MadMax Says:

    …Pwn….Forgot to say, gears of war is still an ok game though, And you were probably playing H3 on easy, So Reyad Kalla, try it on legendary, it might be just a bit tougher, or maybe quite alot probably for some one of your playing stanard =)

  33. Riyad Kalla Says:


    No seriously, played through Halo 3 on all difficulty levels in co-op, it was a lot of fun and I love the water physics/effects in the game.

  34. kevin Says:

    dude, u try too hard…they’re both good games…ok, so gears of war might have better war-torn environments, but for halo 3, bungie worked on gameplay, origional story line, and the ability to customise everything. gears of war storyline? zombies try to take over the world…thats real origional…havent heard that before…NOT! and in reality, when u get into a battle, will u be able to fight by a 3rd person camera or will u still be in first person? and halo 2 was a great game. until something better came along…remember the days where people were saying that you couldn’t beat the graphics/gameplay of the playstation 1? it was the top of the line, until something better came along…and soon gears of war 2 is coming out…did u kno that? and halo wars is coming out right after that.
    in closing, theyre both good games, but u dont have to put one down…unless ur dumb…think about it, and dont be a dumb ass

  35. Riyad Kalla Says:


    A few quick points:
    * Gears of War story has nothing to do with Zombies taking over the world.
    * Halo 2 was *never* a great game… EVER
    * Halo Wars is a RTS, it’s not a FPS. So maybe while your comparing games, let’s throw Railroad Tycoon in here?

    So yea… sweet job supporting your point.

  36. Shadow Says:

    Ok guys I own both games and must say that gears is a much harder game to play through the campaign but halo has the best multiplayer experience of any fps i have ever seen its the most addicting mp ever, and gears has better graphics ya but mp leaves something to be desired, especially with that camera a fp camera would have been nicer in my opinion, esp. when aiming. Both are awesome games though and i am so glad i own a 360, now if only my pc could run crysis

  37. Riyad Kalla Says:

    No arguments here… the multiplayer in Halo 3 *is* insanely good.

    And I wouldn’t mind being able to play Crysis either :(

  38. your_mum Says:

    Halo 2 n 1 owned wen they came out and i still play them. hala 3 still owns, graphics has nothin 2 do with it (though it is a + to hav good graphics) game play is wot makes a game great. don get me wrong both games are good but im over gears of war but ive had halo 3 since it come out and i still love it because of the rocken game play.
    BTW if ur gonna bitch bout graphics make shour there up 2 date. n if u wanna stop to judge the graphics in a game then ur a fool.

    p.s ur a fool

  39. randizzle Says:

    shut up and play

  40. Lone Sniper Says:

    Some things I agree woth but others not…Halo 3…Best Game hands down….theres not beating it…yes some of the places could be a little into more graphics…but there not…they should be more “war torn” but they arent…but the graphics dont make the game suffer a bit…it still rules…there are still millions playing whether the graphics are a little bad in some places….obviously….noone cares

  41. Spartan 188 Says:

    I agree with sniper totally…he makes sense

  42. dude_face_monkey Says:

    All of you, Halo 3 ‘morons’, are nothing but bunch of ignoramous! Did Halo 3 win any awards like Gears of War? Don’t know the answer? Well, the answer is, NO! Even some die-hard Halo-jerks admitted that Halo 3 is nothing but full of media hype. In short, they were disappointed! Graphics-not that great. In my opinion, Bungie spent more time polishing Master Chief to look better, but have you, Halo 3-morons, noticed that the other characters( such as the marines, the commander, sgt. johnson, miranda keyes)still looked blocky. These secondary characters still has the original xbox graphics, and the only one was given more graphical detail was Msater Chief. If you, douchebags, haven’t noticed it, go platy your Halo 3, and you’ll see what I mean, bonafide-jerks! I love Gears of War and I can’t wait for the sequel next year. Trust me, when GoW2 comes out, Halo 3’s fame will soon die out!

  43. dude_face_monkey Says:

    Typo: Platy is suppose to be “Play”…If any one of you, Halo 3-douchebags, want to reply or argue with my opinion, then feel free to reply, douchebags! I hope I did not offend any of you, Halo 3-jerks, because I feel that all the die-hard-Halo-fans are, well,..ignoramous! Your beloved, ‘Master Chief’ should be called, Master Shit’, instead.

  44. Shadow Says:

    dude_face_monkey, if you dont like the game thats fine its a matter of preferance my friend for example prefers gears and I like halo so what do we do? we tag team games dont get me wrong Gears is a Fcuking awesome game i just gota go with the sniper in halo though

  45. problems? Says:

    dude_face_monkey is living proof of the scum of the internet, the n00b.
    This fairly common species is found mainly swearing and badmouthing things they dont understand, instead of focusing on being a reasonable human being.
    Theres no reason to badmouth a game just because u like a different one.
    grow up.

  46. xEvox Gray Says:

    Halo 2 graphics sucked I admit it and I’m a huge halo fan, for the year the graphics could’ve been atleast 90 percent better. But the gameplay was amazing, it was a huge advancement from the gameplay of halo 2.

    Halo 3 though is like god came in and did it for them the graphics are amazing and gameplay is amazing, not to mention if you actually played the game you’d know that the maps and screenshots you used are old. High ground is an old fortress from a 21st century war, so commonly you would think that over time nature toke to the base.

    Now about this Gears over Halo 3 I’d have to say its seriously a tie for gameplay atleast, but when you put in online playing I think Halo 3 just gave you more, much more than Gears there was no teaming up with friends like in Halo with Gears it was just solo. Graphics I’d have to use ratings on a scale from 1-10 Gears is 9.3 and Halo is 8.0 (Gears being 9.3 cause of the poor lightning, I dont coulda just been my TV)

    That being said I’m not really taking sides I’m just stating facts, and I play both games so its not like I’m having a one sided opinion. Do what you want with this, in the end this fight is just about who likes which game more.

  47. Shadow Says:

    Check this out it may help with the debate:

  48. Zawashi Says:

    I know this Debate has been going on for a while. but i couldnt help but laugh the whole time reading it.
    you each have good points except Monkey face there.
    Im what he calls a Diehard Halo fan and i would play any halo game even if it sucked.
    halo 2 singe player sucked. multiplayer was fun at lans didnt like live to much.

    that said there is no comparing the games.
    i think GoW is awesome love playing it same with Halo 3 in my book they are a tie.
    i stopped trying to compare 2 totally different games a long time ago.
    if the game is fun play it if it sucks throw it out or give it to your cousin as a Bday gift.

    When i said Laugh didn’t mean all of you just the people that would cuss the whole time thinking they were cool.

    Riyad Kalla i love the internet arguing pic. i hate it when i pay CS:S 12 year olds will cuss and argue thinking it makes them cool cause they have no skill.

    if there are typo’s i am sorry i checked the best i could but I’m breaking in a new wireless keyboard and mouse.

  49. Riyad Kalla Says:

    Zawashi, thanks man. I always try and find a reason to post a funny picture from the internet.

    I need to do a better job of integrate lol-cats pictures in with my arguments though :D

  50. Faenix Says:

    What I find most disturbing about this argument (other than the enormous repeditive quality) is that audio seems to be completely ignored.
    With surround sound and a good base, Halo 3 pleasures my ears better than a movie, and leaves a satisfying tingle in my brain when something particularly boomy goes off. In my opinion, Halo 3’s sound is what sets it apart from GoW.

  51. me Says:

    when things are shooting you, and things are blowing up, you play the game. not look at the grapics.

  52. Rebun Says:

    Exactly “me”. Thats the base of all FPS, the action.

  53. Rebun again Says:

    To further my first argument, i’ve decided to get 4 of the original screenshots (uploaded on prior to Halo 3’s release) that give a lot more detail to the actual graphics of Halo 3 than the 4 piss-weak ones you chose. Dont get me wrong, even if Halo 3 was in the original Doom format i’d still love it.





    Annotate these please.

  54. Riyad Kalla Says:

    I couldn’t get the links to load anything (just errors out). Could you repost?

  55. viper Says:

    lmao master_fenix it took u 3 days to beat halo3 my god r u retard or something i beat normal in less then a day half a day at the most

  56. Dr.phill of the gamer world Says:

    ok first of all… YOU CALLING ME A RETARD?!?!?!?! come over to my house and say it to my face!
    seccondly:lol some loser sed normal on halo 3 was a challenge!LOL LOSER: try playing it on legendary…

    lastly:gears of war does have alot better graphics…thats why it sux… halo 3 isnt caught up on grafics. its an allaroung great game… gears of war has the worst gameplay…i know…. i have it…..

    i say again… SAY IT TO MY FACE BITCH

  57. Rebun Says:

    Smart Dr. Phil, you pretty much match the actual Dr. Phil who’s a retard.

    I never said Normal was a challenge, i simply said it matched the Halo 2 version of Normal.

    And if you actually bothered to continue reading before showing your ignorance, you would have noticed that i said Herioc and Legendary appeared to be easier.

    Riyad, I dunno why those links wont work, they work fine for me, i just uploaded them from the bungie website and can’t be re-arsed posting em. Guess there goes my argument xD.

  58. Riyad Kalla Says:

    I just tried again and they worked fine (I guess Bungie’s site was goofed when I tried before). They are *pretty* for sure!

  59. GallaUK Says:

    Shame they are just renders and not screen shots.

  60. me Says:

    better graphics…
    what about pacman?
    what about galaga?×900.jpg



    Rebun again Says:

    October 7th, 2007 at 3:18 am

    “Want the game to look realistic? Go outside and play sport.”


    Rebun again Says:

    October 7th, 2007 at 3:18 am

    “Want the game to look realistic? Go outside and shoot alians.”

  61. BioSchmuck Says:

    Hey, Viper! I think you ARE the retard, because it took me exactly four days to beat halo3. And do you wanna know why it took me 4 days, huh, moron? Well, because I have a job(y’know…to make a living or money), and I only play games at night to get rid of my stress. I am not one of those who are eager to beat certain game(s), but rather take my time getting familiar with the game play. What about you, Viper? Is that all you do? Play games all day long…boy, what a life, huh? Besides, the minute I started playing halo3, it just didn’t appeal to me at all! It looked like a freakin’ cartoon!

  62. TheGuy Says:

    Dudes, this IS retarded. Think about this for a sec. You guys just went from Halo 3’s graphics, against GoW, then to gameplay, then to retarded kids in the olympics, then back to graphics, then to sound, the MC and Gears dude running a coffee shop, and then to pacman! Wow! that was a LONG sentence… But anyway…… H3 is better… all the way…

  63. TheGuy Says:

    woops, double chat. um, by the way, no offense to those dudes who like GoW. No harm meant. \m/ 0_o \m/

  64. Toad King Says:

    Yeah… for being the most successful console game(in terms of total sales), Halo 3 has shit graphics… No offence to you Halo fans. But one would expect the best from it; graphics and gameplay. I’m not saying that the Halo series arn’t fun. But there is a lack of diversity of the gameplay between the each component of the series. Halo 2 was just Halo with dual wield and a few more bonuses, along with slightly better graphics. And the same goes with Halo 3. There isn’t a great leap in differnce between each one…

  65. Pensive Toast Says:

    You know, I found this great game the other day taht totally blew the graphics of Halo 3 and Gears out of the water. Grass so real, you could almost smell it. A detailed environment with awsome highres textures and tons of bump mapping, no slow down or glitching, even with thousands of players on at the same time. It called Outside. Maybe some of you should pull you pasty white asses out of your parents basements and experince it from time to time.

  66. Shadow Says:

    Pensive Toast dont be such a douche! im sure many of the people here play sports, i for example play soccer 3 hours a day 6 days a week, oh and i have realised that CoD4 blows the doors off both of these games, lol my dad got it 4 his pc which he just upgraded and i gt it for the 360 since my pc cant run it on anything higher than 800*600 with all options off without crapping out, the levels with grass(the sniper one(SAS)) leaves my computer hotter than the bomb that goes off in the egypt missions(marines)

  67. steve Says:

    yo i just like halo 3 its is fun i am die hard fan. i own all my friend. i like playing it. if i was good at GoW i am sure i would say the same thing as that but i suck at that game so i like Halo 3 b/c i love the controls and movement of it.

  68. Shadow Says:

    even people who suck at halo love it, lol also its a great fall back for me when i start sucking at cod4, i can fall back on the good ol’ UNSC sniper!

  69. steve again dont know how to reply Says:

    ya it is the best sniper in my opinion of course b/c i love that u can like dragg it over peoples head like 1/2 of a mile haha. they defonetally must not like that if they suck with the sniper on halo 3. lol

  70. Shadow Says:

    lol dam strait man

  71. code hill Says:

    hey u dont know that halo1 2 and 3 are the best games ever becausu you shut know that gers of wars is just a stupid copy of halo 3 lol

  72. physch4bro Says:

    i think you all need to stop complaining about graphics and just play the F*%kin game!!!!!!! graphics aren’t everything as long as the game is kick ass! HALO 3 rocks the shit out of gears of hoar so quit being cock bites and just admit that the Chief would kick every guys ass on gears of war!!!!!!!!!! thanks :)

  73. ninjasniper1979 Says:

    agree with that kid^^^ halo owns.

  74. Anonymous Says:

    Everyone who bought the game before the release expected the game to look awesome. Now that they have it, they are justify their purchase by saying its all about the gameplay. If it’s all about the gameplay they could have save themselves some money and kept playing halo 2. Halo series is the goofiest game I have ever played. Go try some different better games. Try the original far cry for PC, probably only cost you $20 bucks and it’s years behond halo. Try UT 2004, Half Life 2. Why so much hype for such a dated game.

  75. Riyad Kalla Says:


  76. Shadow Says:

    Anonymous Says:

    January 29th, 2008 at 3:03 am

    “Everyone who bought the game before the release expected the game to look awesome. Now that they have it, they are justify their purchase by saying its all about the gameplay.”

    don’t talk shit halo was still going stron in sales at the end of the year, and for your information i bought halo 3 a month after it was released, i find it a lot more fun than farcry (which i own), people should stop trying to belittle halo based on graphics, people said halo 2’s graphics where outdated, however it was still the most played game on xbl for 2 years, this comming year it will be between halo and call of duty in my opinion.

  77. Shadow Says:

    ps i also own half life two and owned UT 04, looking forward 2 UT 3 on 360

  78. Riyad Kalla Says:

    UT3 *is* looking pretty sweet, reviews on the PS3 so far talk about how polished it is and really spot on with controls and game play. Look forward to playing it myself.

  79. Rebun Says:

    Completely agree with what shadow said.

    Lets just end this, i reckon this has to be one of the longest standing halo 3 graphics arguments o.o

  80. Shadow Says:

    thanks rebun and i agree this argument is fruitless, however i shall continue to stand by my statements and opinions and defend them, should this comment fest continue.

  81. physcho4bro Says:

    UT 3!!!!!!!!!!!! now thats a game there should be no argument about, its going to be all around awesome. i agree with you shadow halo is an all around amazing game, and how good a game is shouldn’t be based on its graphics but how much fun you have playing it. Halo 1,2 and 3 are works of art in the gaming industry. Also BIOSHOCK is pretty wicked :) until next time, HALO!!!!!!

  82. gabe101stairborne dv Says:

    dude you really dont know what you are talking about

  83. gabe101stairborne dv Says:


  84. S.Agnew Says:

    As much as I agree with the majority of the people here that the guy who critiqued these screenshots, it is time to move on although I still do play Halo 3 and it is awesome!!!
    P.S. Gears Of War still sucks

  85. S.Agnew Says:

    Yeah I forgot to add that the guy who started this is a massive tool and so are all of the people who are saying that Halo 3 sucks because really it doesnt, and that is not just my opinion…you cannot find many flaws in it that other games of this current time dont also have so saying that halo sucks and other crap like that is pointless…EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN OPINION ON IT

  86. Riyad Kalla Says:

    This is for you buddy, keep up the good work!

  87. Shadow Says:

    dude that pic reminds meof this asshole i knew in elementery school

  88. physcho4bro Says:

    Hey “Riyad Kalla” you need to check your spelling, were you saying “this is for you buddy” because that says “this IF OR you” so i think before you send pictures of mentaly challenged people you need to realize that you sent one of your baby pictures…..RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  89. Rebun Says:


    Physcho4bro, thats not really contributing to the argument. who cars if sumune mkes alot of speelin meestakes. We get the general idea.

    Riyad its not necessarily a nice thing to do to poke fun at people and call them retards for liking a game. Retard generally isnt a good word to use. Im referring also to your first picture up the top of this pointlessly long argument.

    In closing, Portal wins.

  90. physcho4bro Says:

    My point wasnt on spelling it was on the topic of calling people “retards” so i just thought it was good to point out the fact that he is being one by spelling so badly, so before he says anything he should look in the mirror and see that everyone makes mistakes. Also i stopped caring about this argument long ago as should everyone else, so that wasnt really a contribution to this whole stupid ass graphics bit. Thanks…Get the general idea now!?!?!?

  91. Str 9ur3 Says:

    Don’t know why everyone’s arguing over this since Halo 3 has been out for months now.

    Anyways if most of you stopped bitching about the games and actually went and played them and got better, or get better games if you think some are not “up to your standards”; most of you would have a life.


  92. physcho4bro Says:

    Exactly!!!!!!!!! i would totally love to see anyone who is ragging on HALO 3 make a better game…..since that isn’t going to happen piss off….especially “Riyad Kalla” for starting this whole waste of time argument. “STOP bitching START playing” PEACE!

  93. Rebun Says:

    Didnt we have some fun? remember when the platform was heading towards the fire and i was like ‘goodbye!’ and you were like ‘no way!’ and i was all like ‘we were only pretending to murder you’

    ..that was great =)

  94. Riyad Kalla Says:

    lol… nice reference Rebun ;)

    and physcho, I’ll drop the whole argument right now if you walk into the bathroom, look in the mirror and scream “I HATE YOU” at the top of your voice.

  95. Rebun Says:

    OR we could just drop the argument o.o

  96. physcho4bro Says:

    Riyad get off your lazy ass, walk up to your parents, tell them you are finally gonna get a life and move out of their basement, and get a girlfriend…….trust me you f*#kin need one buddy, cause you obviously have way too much time on your hands. (when i say “girlfriend” that doesnt mean the kind that comes in a box you inflate, so keep trying Riyad. PEACE!!!!!!!!!

  97. Eegras Says:

    In response to:

    “This is very “natural” looking, cause it’s a net… with stuff on it, and doesn’t look plain at all.”
    No duh. It’s jungle camouflage. Supposed to hide that position from the air.

    “Super awesome geometric design circa-Quake 2″
    I’ll give you that, it’s pretty blocky, but it’s cheaper to build a base in a blocky way then a flowing curvature. Look at your house for example.

    “This wall is broken because of the war taking place… everything else is in good shape though, thankfully”
    Because everywhere has to get hit by a missile/bomb at the same time as one place?

    “Mad-crazy texture resolution… for a PSP.”
    All concrete doesn’t look the same?

    “When this wall broke, this dirt fell down to create a ramp… which is very fortunate. I’m glad no rubble is on the path here to clutter it up… you know, from the war taking place…”
    What’s that laying below the box? Is it rubble? I think so. Plus, ‘dirt’? Who makes a base out of dirt? I think that’s concrete. Plus, look at the broken ledge above it. Dirt doesn’t float that way, or have re-bar reinforcement.

    Thanks for trying. Let’s play again!

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