Web Traffic Building Tips

How to Get Repeat Visitors for Your Website

repeat visitorsOne important question to ask yourself when developing any new business idea or website is this: What’s going to make my visitors come back for more? Finding the answer to this question is essential for success on every level.

A long term profit strategy requires a solid understanding what drives your visitors to return to your website repeatedly. And what makes them want to recommend your website to others.

BlogRush Review: Using Widgets to Get Traffic to Your Blog

blogrush.jpgJohn Reese, a renowned internet marketer, recently launched BlogRush, a content syndication network that claims to be capable of sending free, targeted traffic to your blog.

How is this possible? Through the placement of a simple blog widget on your blog and the blogs of others. The widget will then display the headlines of your latest posts, which are pulled from your feed.

Apparently, Blogrush was only launched yesterday and at the time of writing this article, I have not yet obtained any statistics ever since I placed the widget on my site 12 hours ago. More data and use of the widget will allow for greater analysis but for now here’s a review and introduction to BlogRush.

How to Get Traffic and Links from Popular Blogs: Networking and Email Pitching

traffic-and-links.jpgWhen you are growing your business or blog, a link from a popular blog can help a great deal. It will bring you interested visitors and perhaps some secondary links or traffic from other bloggers who follow the popular blog.

The question begs to be asked: Just how do you get a mention and link from these influential bloggers?

It’s really not difficult. You’ll only have to pitch your business or website by sending them an email. After all, bloggers can only write about something when they are aware that it exists, wouldn’t you agree?

7 Easy Ways to Get More Weekend Traffic for Your Website

weekend trafficWeb traffic for most websites drop during the weekend because less people are using the internet to look for information or checking their favorite websites for new content.

This is a natural and inevitable occurrence and a corresponding dip in traffic figures or sales is nothing to be alarmed about.

Jay Wilson recently asked if I had any recommendations to stop traffic from reducing during the weekends and as a matter of fact, I do have some suggestions that might work, although they will require some effort on your part.

Reinvesting Your Income to Build Traffic and Authority for Your Website

reinvestment (by Dosh Dosh)An easy way to expand your website’s reach and audience size is to market it extensively within your target market. Building your site reputation and getting traffic to your website can help to make your site profitable from early on.

I’ve previously written a list of paid advertising models you can use for your website and now I’ll like to expand on the topic of reinvesting whatever income you’ve earned to promote your site.

How to Advertise Your Website or Business: 8 Paid Advertising Models

paid-advertising.jpgAdvertising is one easiest ways to get targeted traffic to your website. The deluge of visitors that arrive at your site through paid advertising channels may purchase a product, browse around your website, or perhaps subscribe to a newsletter or feed.

Some will also bookmark your website online for future visits, share it through social media websites or recommend it to friends.

While advertising isn’t an end-all solution for increasing your site income or audience size, it can definitely create more mind-share and brand exposure. Here are a collection of ways to market your website to relevant audiences.

7 Ways to Use Microblogging Services for Traffic and Brand Exposure

microbloggingMicro-blogging platforms like Twitter and Pownce allow you to write short text messages to be shared with friends or everyone.

These messages are usually less than 200 characters and can be transmitted via instant messagers, text messaging, email or through a web browser.

These microblogging services are fairly popular because they enable you to share information or personal updates with everyone, especially when you don’t have time to update your blog or personal site.

This allows you to keep in touch with a circle of friends who might be interested in what you are doing from time to time.

Social Media Evangelism: How to Turn Visitors into Supporters of Your Website

social-media.jpgSocial media websites like Digg, Netscape and del.icio.us are bridges which connect your website with a large audience beyond your site’s normal reach. These websites will send visitors that can become future supporters of your site or brand.

Social media communities also expose your site to other webmasters or bloggers, the source of editorial links that will get you referral traffic and better search engine ranks.

Social websites are reliable sources of defensible traffic and should be cultivated as a means to increase your site reach and audience size.

StumbleUpon Optimization: Leveraging Photo Stumbles for More Web Traffic

stumbleupon-photos.jpgIn my recent article on traffic building using Flickr, I’ve mentioned that StumbleUpon users love to stumble images as it allows them to adorn their StumbleUpon blog with all their favorite pictures.

Some StumbleUpon users have made photo stumbling into an art form and their blogs feature fantastic collections of meticulously selected pictures, placed alongside poetry and commentary.

This article on photo stumbling will offer some detailed tips on how you can use and optimize your images in order to increase the potential of receiving more stumbles and hence, visitors to your website.

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