Welcome to SportingNews.com RSS

RSS Feeds: news by sport | news by team | experts | member blogs

SportingNews.com offers RSS feeds for headlines, expert columns and member blogs FREE for individual use. Subscribe today and get sports news and information delivered directly to your desktop using any number of RSS readers.

Terms of Use:
All RSS feeds offered on this site are subject to our RSS user agreement.

Choose from current RSS offerings:
Pick a feed by scrolling down and browsing the links on this page. If your news reader is one of those we offer, simply click on the appropriate icon.

If you don't see the name of your service, right-click on the orange "XML" button and select "copy shortcut" or "copy link location." (Using a Mac? Click and hold or control-click instead of right-clicking.) Go to your news reader of choice, paste the link into the relevant spot and you're done.


To find the RSS location for a team, use the team bridge pages below, and copy the URL from the XML button next to your team. Or, choose your team and go to the team page, then do a simple replace in the URL. They all follow the same pattern.

Replace "index.html" with "news.xml", and add "feeds/" before the sport directory: http://www.sportingnews.com/feeds/baseball/teams/orioles/news.xml

Teams bridge page list:
MLB teams
NFL teams
NBA teams
NHL teams
College basketball teams
College football teams


Member blogs are also available via RSS.

To find an individual member blog RSS feed, go to the member's blog page and copy the URL from the XML button on the upper-right part of the page. Or, add /rss/ to the URL string in the location shown in this example:

Member blog: http://www.sportingnews.com/blog/jgerttula
Member blog RSS feed: http://www.sportingnews.com/rss/blog/jgerttula

To find an aggregated list of member blogs by tag, go to the tag page and add /rss/ to the URL string in the location shown in this example:

Member blog tag: http://www.sportingnews.com/tag/FantasyFootball
Member blog tag RSS feed: http://www.sportingnews.com/rss/tag/FantasyFootball

If you wanted to get blog by tag flagged as "hot", add "?popularity=hot" to the end of the string, like this:

To find tags that interest you, start on the general tags page and do a search:

What is RSS?
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It consists of headlines from recently published articles, summaries and links to the full stories. Instead of manually searching for stories on multiple websites, you can use an RSS news reader to organize and update your favorite news from one location. recently published, a short synopsis and a link to the full story. You can organize RSS content from multiple websites, making it easier to stay updated on news from all your favorite sites from just one location using a news reader.
How do I access RSS through a news reader?
In order to starting reading RSS feeds, you will need to use a news reader. This is a program that automatically retrieves and displays content updates from each of your chosen sites' RSS feeds. Here are some of the more popular news readers that are available:

MyYahoo: free web based news reader
Klip: free customizable desktop news reader
AmphetaDesk: free open source news aggregator
Firefox Internet Browser: RSS support is built into the Firefox web browser.
Google Directory of news readers

You can find even more news readers at itopik.com.

What content is available from SportingNews.com?
SportingNews.com provides its most up-to-date content via RSS format free of charge. It is for personal, non-commercial use only. An attribution to SportingNews.com, which is included in each feed, is required. You can see a full list of offerings to your left on this page.