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Health and Safety

Machinery and equipment

For more information on Work and lifting equipment click here for the relevant chapter of the TUC guide to health and safety "Hazards at Work

Every year, the use of work equipment, including machinery, results in a number of accidents, many of which are serious and some are fatal. A large number of the most serious accidents people suffer at work involve machinery of one kind or another. This can include becoming trapped in machinery, or the machine causing problems such as MSDs. In the 2006 TUC safety representatives survey, nine per cent of safety representatives said that machinery was one of their top five concerns.

Employers often claim carelessness is often used as a reason for machinery accidents. But blaming workers is not the answer. Machines have to be guarded effectively, removing the hazard at source. In addition the ergonomic hazards of work equipment are often neglected.  


HSE work equipment and machinery pages http://www.hse.gov.uk/equipment/index.htm

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