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We've recently added some new features to CNET.co.uk membership, including usernames and avatars for registered members. Once you've logged in, your username and avatar will be displayed in the member box at the top of every page, so you can easily check your status and change your account details. If you haven't selected a username and avatar yet, please click the Log In and Update Details button to add these to your account.

You'll also notice that we've made some changes to the account details page to make it easier for you to update your email address or change your newsletter subscriptions.

If you don't want to enter your details every time you visit the site, select the 'Remember my email and password' checkbox when you log in. Next time you visit, you'll be logged in automatically.

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Got questions? Visit our membership FAQ for answers or to contact us.

If you don't want to log in every time you visit the site, select the 'Remember my email and password' checkbox to log in automatically.