IndoJet Schedules

IndoJet Schedule - Effective April 1st 2008 - June 30th 2009

Flight Depart Arrive Stops Frequency Meal Effective
O7 820 15:40 19:25 0 WED D 01Apr-22Oct
O7 820 15:40 18:25 0 WED D 29Oct-25Mar09
O7 820 15:40 19:25 0 WED D 01Apr09-25Jun09
O7 824 10:30 14:15 0 FRI L 05Sep-25Oct
O7 824 10:30 13:15 0 FRI L 31Oct-27Mar09
O7 824 10:30 14:15 0 FRI L 03Apr09-26Jun09
O7 824 10:30 14:15 0 SAT L 05Apr-25Oct
O7 824 10:30 13:15 0 SAT L 01Nov-28Mar09
O7 824 10:30 14:15 0 SAT L 01Apr09-25Jun09
O7 824 10:30 14:15 0 SUN L 13Apr-20Apr
O7 824 10:30 13:15 0 SUN L 26Oct-22Mar09
O7 824 10:30 14:15 0 SUN L 29Mar09-28Jun09
Flight Depart Arrive Stops Frequency Meal Effective
O7 821 20:25 00:20+1 0 WED D 01Apr-22Oct
O7 821 19:25 00:20+1 0 WED D 29Oct-25Mar09
O7 821 20:25 00:20+1 0 WED D 01Apr09-24Jun09
O7 825 15:15 19:10 0 FRI D 05Sep-25Oct
O7 825 14:15 19:10 0 FRI D 31Oct-27Mar09
O7 825 15:15 19:10 0 FRI D 04Apr-27Jun09
O7 825 15:15 19:10 0 SAT D 05Apr-25Oct
O7 825 14:15 19:10 0 SAT D 01Nov-28Mar09
O7 825 15:15 19:10 0 SAT D 04Apr-27Jun09
O7 825 15:15 19:10 0 SUN D 13Apr-20Apr
O7 825 14:15 19:10 0 SUN D 26Oct-22Mar09
O7 825 15:15 19:10 0 SUN D 29Mar09-28Jun09

Meal Codes: B-Breakfast L-Lunch D-Dinner

* All times shown are LOCAL. Departure and flight times are subject to change depending on Air Traffic Control and weather conditions on the day.

Time Difference
Bali is in the same time zone as Perth for most of the year, this means that Bali time and Perth time are the same. When daylight saving is in force Bali is one hour behind Perth time. Bali does not have daylight saving.

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