Chief Black Dog (GO!) Advancement Newsletter and Award Information



Chief Black Dog (GO!) e-mail list server

Pack 204 Information




Craftsman Pinball Table Project



Scout Law Freeware

Pack Position Folder Contents


Here are the DRAFT versions of Chief Black Dog District’s Webelos advancement and transition schedules:


Do you use Netscape, Foxfire, or other Mozilla browser?  Do you use the cool sidebar for easy access to your favorite services? By clicking on the following, you will add a tab of my favorite Scouting links to your sidebar.

Add Scouting Sidebar

Also in the works... Over the past 5 years, I have been collecting Cub Scouting resources and links from the internet.  Also, I have produced some of my own materials for my Den, Pack and District.  I am in the process of organizing it into a super resource CD.  Interested in a prerelease copy?  Drop me an e-mail. Note: I am now able to produce the CDs.  My collection has continued to grow.  However, I have not had time to keep up or complete my cataloging of the materials. Thus, it is still considered pre-release.