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Palm's Treo Pro in the wild, probably not fake

In case there was any lingering doubt that the Treo Pro (alias Treo 850) was real -- and there probably shouldn't be, considering it got snapped all the way back in May -- this round of non-blurry (dare we say artistic?) shots should pretty much seal the deal. The glossy shell, promise of a 320 x 320 display, and a general acknowledgment of circa-2008 industrial design definitely have us feeling just a little less pessimistic about Palm's prospects right now; if anything, it makes us wish they had some Android kit up their sleeves rather than slaving away on the thus-far vaporware Palm OS 2. As WinMo goodies go, though, this thing looks like it's ready to hang with the best of the best -- so bring it on, Palm. A legion of fans with well-worn 750s awaits you. In the meanwhile, check another shot after the break.

[Via WMExperts]

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