Sheep stomachs get a makeover

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Aug 26 - Uk based artist Julia Lohmann transforms a sheep's stomach into a lamp shade.

Julia Lohmann has been working with an animal theme in her designs for several years. Using sustainable design as an aspect of her work ethic, Lohmann wants people to think more about the way that we use and consume animals and question our relationships with them.

In 2004 she made around 30 handsculpted sofas, entitled Cowbenches. Each bench was uniquely crafted using a cow's hide, showing their scars and brands.

Last year she created a sculpture called Lasting Void, using a calf's carcass for the mould creating a shell shaped structure. Now Lohmann is turning her attention to discarded sheep stomachs, which she buys from her local butcher for five pounds and turns into lamp shades, selling for hundreds of pounds.

Basmah Fahim reports.

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