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San Antonio CEO pay: 2005 | 2006 | 2007
Economic Census data for San Antonio MSA (other geographic areas linked via drop-down menus)
Find historical prices and other stock market information
Worried about crime in your area? Need to check out the safety of a neighborhood before you move? Try these crime reports and databases to find out more.
  • Crimebase - Search recent crime reports by number, location or date
  • Sex Offenders Registry - Find information about sex offenders in Texas by name and/or city/zip code
  • Texas criminal history records - Search the Texas Department of Public Safety’s database for offenders with class B misdemeanors or greater (you must have an account to search, and there is a fee per search). Note: the records only represent 60% of court dispositions.
  • Bexar County criminal records - Searching criminal records at the county level must be done in person at the Bexar County courthouse. Contact information and locations

demographics and census

Find area demographic and economic Census data

Historical Census data (not an official Bureau site) by State | Texas county

licensing and complaints

More than 79,000 attorneys are registered in Texas, according to the State Bar of Texas, but which one do you want to hire? Verify a lawyer’s membership and qualifications or see if he or she has a disciplinary history in Texas here.

For other licensing information:

Iraq War casualties

  • has searchable database of casualties, plus various casualty statistics by demographic categories, dates, etc. It also includes data on non-U.S. casualties.

Department of Defense data

Find economic, public opinion and security statistics from post-Saddam Iraq compiled twice weekly by the Brookings Institution in the Iraq Index.

non-profits and charities

Been contacted by a charity? Want to find out how it spends its money or whether it is really a non-profit organization? Use these web sites to evaluate the financial health and effectiveness of a charity to which you plan to contribute.

politics and elected officials

public records


Heard a rumor about a recall? Worried about product safety? Search by product name and other categories at these government sites:

schools and education

Are you moving and interested in schools in particular areas? Want to know how your child’s school is performing, or want to compare its scores and demographics with other schools? Use these sites to see how area schools measure up.

How hot are the summers, really, in San Antonio? According to these National Weather Service averages, the average high temperature for June-September is 90°F or higher.

Other San Antonio weather data