Washington, George, 1732-1799. The writings of George Washington from the original manuscript sources
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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   New Windsor, January 24, 1781

    Sir: I have the honor to introduce to your Excellency's acqe. the Count de Charlus 8 Son to the Marqs. de Castres, 9 present Minister of the Marine of France. This Gentleman's rank and amiable qualities are alone sufficient to entitle him to every mark of respect but when it is known that Iris zeal to promote the Cause of American freedom induced him to resign a Colonelship of Horse in France to serve as second Colonel of the

[Note:Armand Charles Augustine de la Croix, Comte de Charlus.]
[Note:Charles Eugène Gabriel de la Croix, Marquis de Charlus.]
Saintonge Regiment in this Country I ant perswaded it is unnecessary to say more to recomd. him in the fullest manner to your Excellys. partr. esteem and attention. I have the honr. etc. 10

[Note:In much briefer fashion Washington also wrote letters of introduction (January 24) to the President of Congress, introducing Baron Dillon and Monsieur Dumas.]