FACTOID # 68: One in every three Australians is a victim of crime.
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Background (or 'Why did you make this site?')

The idea for NationMaster arose as I was surfing around the CIA World Factbook. It's a great read but I felt the individual figures (like number of TV's, or kilometres of coastline) didn't mean much on their own. They'd be more illuminating if they were placed alongside other countries and shown relative to population.

So I decided to put together a website that allowed users to generate graphs based on numerical data extracted from the Factbook. The next (rather obvious) realisation was that there's no reason I couldn't take in data from other sources. Why shouldn't the net have a central location that allows you to compare countries on any statistic you like?

But why did I do it? To promote education and understanding about the world. To make it easy to engage with the indicators that shape global commerce, health, politics and ecology. To make the facts easily accessible and meaningful. To bring the works of academics, public agencies and private researchers to a wider audience.

One intended use for this site is, during debates in discussion groups, people link to comparisons of specific countries. I hope students, educators and librarians will find the site a useful teaching aide. More generally, I hope the figures will spark people's interest and they'll want to read more.

    -- Luke Metcalfe, Manager / Developer

About Us

This website was created by Rapid Intelligence, a web technology company based in Sydney, Australia. We produce original sites that provide people with unique views of content.

All statistics on this site are cited. If you are concerned about authenticity and authorship, please view the "Source:" field, found below each graph. Or when viewing country statistics, click the "View with citations" link below the bottom of the page.

If you have any comments or queries, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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Nielsen//NetRatings Top 10 Fastest Growing Educational Reference Sites.
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NationMaster's review from the American Library Association.

NationMaster acknowledged by Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade as one of their Internet Gems.

Harvard Business School's review of NationMaster.

One of AskMen.com's Best & Coolest Sites Around.

Dry Facts Transformed into Entertainment, a review by the Christian Science Monitor.

Top100Science.com names NationMaster as the 60th Best Science Site on the Net.

J-Net's Best Websites for Journalists: NationMaster, Pick of the Week.

What People are Saying

NationMaster has been reviewed by several major media outlets, including the New York Times, CNN, and The Christian Science Monitor. We have recently been given the nod by Nielsen/NetRatings as one of the fastest growing educational sites on the web, and rated by Top100Science.com as the 60th best science site on the net.

Go to our Reviews Page to see what more people are saying about NationMaster.

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