Tree Gnome Village

Difficulty level: Medium

Start location: Go through the maze into the Tree Gnome Village and talk to King Bolren.


Skills: Be able to kill a lvl 112 monster.

Items: Hatchet (or 6 regular logs).

Monsters: Khazard Commander (level 48) (two of them), Khazard Warlord (level 112)

NPC: King Bolren, Elkoy

Walkthrough Hide/Show:

1- King Bolren will tell you that the Khazard troops have stolen three orbs. If you agree to help, you will be guided out of the maze.

2- The first orb. Go north to the battle field and talk to Commander Montai. He will say that he needs 6 logs. Get 6 logs and bring them to him. He will tell you that he sent trackers to get the coordinates for the ballista.

Find the three trackers out on the battlefield. The first one is located in the northwest corner of Khazard battlefield, near the West Ardougne plague city wall. The second one is inside one of the buildings on the north side of the battlefield. The third one is in the southwest corner of Khazard battlefield. Two of them give you the height and the y coordinate (they do not tell you the actual numbers, but you will not need to specifically enter them, either; you just "know"). Unfortunately, the third tracker has gone completely mad and says a lot of garbage. After you ask him (automatically) for the coordinates, pay close attention to his second response. It may be any one of the following:

  • "less than my hands" means 1
  • "more than my head" may mean 2
  • "less than our feet" may mean 3
  • "less than my fingers" may mean 4
  • "My legs and your legs" may mean 4

3- When you go to fire the ballista, it will ask you to choose a number for the x-coordinate between 0001 and 0004. If you get the number right, it will say that it hit. (If you get the number wrong, just guess again.) Go north to the Khazard battlefield building and climb the crushed wall; you will be attacked by a Khazard Commander (level 48). Go up the ladder and you will be attacked by another one. Find the orb, then go down and open the door.

4- Talk to Elkoy at the beginning of the maze, south of the battlefield, and you will be teleported into the village. King Bolren will tell you that a Khazard Warlord has taken the last 2 orbs.

5- The Khazard Warlord. Go north until the end of the battlefield. Then go north-west above the wolves. The Khazard Warlord will be up there. Talk with him, and then kill him to make him drop the remaining orbs.

6- Return to the village and talk to the King to complete the quest.


  • Ability to use the Spirit Trees teleport
  • 11,450 attack experience
  • Gnome defence amulet

Quest points gained on completion: 2

Written By/Credits: DarkWasp

Special thanks to: Carson

Thanks for corrections: Cameron, thiru, wise owl1010, DementedHero, tevere, the borg05 and Skorm50, Cowman_133

Last updated: June 4th 2008





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