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Market Speculator

Description of Blog

Market Speculator began his market career shortly before 9/11/01. The methodoligy he uses comes from the greatest stock market traders of all time; Livermore, Darvas, O’Neil, Dryfus, etc. Decision making is based on price and volume while stock screening is done by growth in fundamentals. Much like William O’Neil’s CAN SLIM approach to investing Market Speculator focuses on a narrow amount of stocks and lives by cutting his losses early.

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Click any Category below to see all Stock Blogs in that Category
General Market Blogs
Blogs that have general market news and commentary as their primary focus. These blogs are useful to get an overview of what's being said about the market each day. See all blogs>
Technical Analysis Blogs
Using charts, technical indicators, and mathematical analysis, technical analysis blogs focus on disciplined trading strategies. By pinpointing entry and exit points, technical analysts seek to maximize profit and minimize emotional involvement in their trades. See all blogs>
Fundamental Analysis Blogs
Why would you buy anything if you didn't think it was valuable? Fundamental analysis preaches understanding of the underlying value and potential for any stock that you purchase. By doing your homework, you can make wise investment descisions time and time again. See all blogs>
Options Blogs
Whether buying or selling calls or puts, options contracts come in all shapes and sizes. Options traders have traditionally been known as the compulsive gamblers of the financial world. But it doesn't have to be that way. With understanding, one can be very successful trading options. It's that understanding that these blogs seek to provide. See all blogs>
Contrarian Blogs
It doesn't matter if all the lemmings are running the same way--they all end up falling off a cliff. By discerning where the general sentiment doesn't match the facts, one can make investment decisions that will really pay off. "A sucker's born every minute", but it doesn't have to be you. See all blogs>
Commodities Blogs
Tired of just trading equities? These blogs deal with issues surrounding the exciting world of commodities derivatives and futures. See all blogs>
Forex Blogs
Got a yen to trade yen? Forex Blogs focus on issues specific to foreign currency exchange See all blogs>
Miscellaneous Blogs
We put everything here that doesn't quite fit in any other category. Look around--This category is a collection of surprises! See all blogs>

